What is the Y2Q?
The Medical School Year Two Questionnaire (Y2Q) is an annual AAMC Student Survey of U.S. medical school students who are in their second year of medical school coursework and training. First administered in 2014, the online questionnaire asks each second-year medical student to share her/his thoughts on a variety of topics including learning climate, adjustment to medical school, and future career plans. The Y2Q takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.
Who is eligible to take the Y2Q survey?
All students of U.S. medical schools who have recently completed one full year of medical school, including students who are repeating their second year of medical school, are eligible to take the survey.
When can students take the Y2Q?
The 2021 Y2Q will be open from October 1, 2021 to January 3, 2022. A private and unique link will be emailed to each eligible student on October 1.
Are students required to complete the Y2Q?
Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary; students have the right not to answer any question or set of questions if they so choose and will not be penalized in any way. If students have any questions about the Y2Q or their rights as participants, contact the AAMC Office of Human Subjects Research Protection at humansubjects@aamc.org or 202-909-2071.
Will the answers on the Y2Q be confidential?
Yes. All survey responses will be stored in a secured database at the AAMC. The AAMC does not release any personally-identifiable data to schools or other organizations.
Can I see a copy of the Y2Q survey?
Yes. A copy of the survey is posted on our website.
I have completed the Y2Q but I would like confirmation. What do I do?
At the end of your survey, you can choose to email yourself a confirmation of completion. Also, your survey ends with a Confirmation Page, which you can print out even if you have completed the survey. Simply use your original Y2Q link to re-enter your survey, scroll through your saved responses, and press the "Submit" button at the end of the survey to find the Confirmation Page. Re-entering and re-submitting your survey does not affect your Y2Q completion status, and you are free to change your responses before the survey closes.
How are Y2Q survey responses reported?
The Y2Q All Schools Summary Report presents data from the past three years of surveys and is available on the Y2Q website. The AAMC also makes the Y2Q Individual School Report available to school-designated AAMC Student Surveys Contacts at each U.S. medical school.
Where can school staff find Y2Q survey reports?
Y2Q Individual School Reports are now available to school-designated AAMC Student Surveys Contacts in the "Annual Reports" section of the AAMC Medical School Profile System (MSPS).