2017-18 First-Year Residents
The table below displays statistics on MCAT® scores, USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Content Knowledge (CK) scores, research experiences, publications, work experiences, and volunteer experiences for all active first-year residents in 2017-18, by specialty. For example, the average MCAT score for 2017-18 first-year residents entering anesthesiology was 30.2, and the average Step 1 score was 230.6. Data include graduates of MD-granting and DO-granting U.S. and Canadian medical schools as well as graduates of international medical schools. Data are limited to specialties that traditionally begin in PGY1 and do not require a preliminary year of training. For individuals who took the MCAT, USMLE Step 1, or USMLE Step 2 CK more than once, the most recent score was used in the analysis. Please contact residentreport@aamc.org with any comments or questions.