When will applications be open?
The application process for the December seminar will open in early August and remain open for three weeks. Once the application closes, the AAMC will review applications to ensure all applicants meet the criteria for the target audience and the cohort consists of participants with a broad array of specialties and areas of focus in academic medicine, including both clinicians and basic science researchers who represent a variety of institutions from all regions of the country. Application decisions will be sent to applicants in late September/early October.
Please sign up for updates on the seminar website and we’ll be sure to include you on all future correspondence, including notifying you on the day the application period opens.
What does the application require?
The application is an online form with a series of questions about your background and your clinical, education, research, and administrative responsibilities (as they are applicable). At the end of the online application, you will be required to upload your most up to date CV. Please note: unlike previous years, we no longer require that applicants submit an institutional Letter of Support. While you will be required to submit payment, you will not be charged until you have been notified by the AAMC of your acceptance.
Can more than one individual apply from an institution?
Yes, but with limited capacity and a desire to ensure diversity among our attendees, we will continue to only accept a small number of applicants from each institution. We will do our best to ensure we’re supporting the greatest number of women possible in their leadership journey.
How are applicants selected?
The application process for the seminar is very competitive, so it is most important that candidates meet the target audience requirements of the seminar. We strive each year to have the most diverse class possible, as one of the major benefits of the seminar is networking with peers with similar and different backgrounds to the ones you work with every day. To help make this happen, we take several factors into consideration when selecting applicants other than their academic and clinical qualifications, such as: medical school, region of the country, specialty, length of experience in academic medicine, research area, scholarship area, MD vs. PhD (or a combined degree), application status, and much more. Considering all the factors of an individual’s application helps create the most dynamic and diverse class possible so the participants have the best learning experience.
Does the AAMC offer other leadership and professional development opportunities?
Absolutely! The AAMC has a robust portfolio of Leadership Development offerings available to leaders at all levels for constituents at our member institutions. This page is updated frequently so check back often and sign up for updates on the individual program pages to be included in any future correspondence about that program. Learn more.
Additionally, the AAMC councils, professional development groups, and organizations provide individuals at member institutions with access to professional growth, leadership development, networking, and collaboration opportunities. You may find additional offerings and resources available through the Group on Faculty Affairs, Group on Women in Medicine and Science, and other affinity groups within your area of focus in academic medicine and science. Learn more.
Learn more about the Early-Career Women Faculty Seminar criteria.
Additional Questions
Have any additional questions? Email learningandleadershipdevelopment@aamc.org.