Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who helped with GIA programming in 2024! We appreciate your time, energy, insights, dedication, and talents on behalf of the GIA and academic medicine communities.
Aaron Lovell
Adam Scally
Adrienne Cappello
Agnes Niedbalska
Alissa Kocer
Alli Ingman
Alyssa Grovemiller
Amanda Bassett
Amanda Ochs
Amy Albo
Amy Bortner
Andrea Calo
Anna Horlacher
Annette Achilles
Annie Torres
Anton Zuiker
Archana Chatterjee
Art Ochoa
Arty Giallourakis
Ashley Gentry
Ashlie Brookhart McGill
Audrey Kirby O'Gara
Bari Stinson
Barry Collins
Becca Coniff
Brad Joutras
Brian Schill
Brian Thomas
Brie Russell
Brigitte Grant
Brynn McGarry
Carlee Thomas
Carlos Quinones Carrasco
Caroline Arbanas
Caroline Grassi
Carolyn Scofield
Carrie Foust
Carrie Mills
Cassie Matson
Cate Liverman
Catherine Mello
Celine Robins
Chad Ruback
Charla Hamilton
Chip Roberts
Christina Smith
Christopher Collins
Christopher Lee
Christopher Shoemaker
Christopher Sickels
Claire Bassett
Claire Veazey
Colleen Locke
Colleen Pelasky
Craig Leonard
Craig Swinyard
Cynthia Manley
Dana Benson
Dan Pollay
Danielle Auriemma
Danielle Jackson
Danielle Nolen
David Feinberg
Dawn Walker
Debbie Foster
Deirdre Branley
Derrick Early
Deshawn McKinney
Dillon Kimmel
Drew Brooks
Elena Wu
Elizabeth Dollhopf-Brown
Elizabeth Thompson
Eric Barritt
Eric Horvath
Erica Terry
Erika Anderson
Erin Larowe
Evan Frazer
Frances Parades
George Rattin
Geri Kelley
Ginger Lubkowitz
Gloriane Luna
Gretchen Amen
Harvey Green
Hayden Rahn
Heather Davis
Heather Holcomb
Heather Renshaw Vučetin
Heidi Green
Holli Gall
Jaclyn Enriquez
Jacqueline Kleppe
James Molnar
James Zanewicz
Jamie Montgomery
Jay Budner
Jayme Crawford
Jennifer Dettloff
Jennifer Foss
Jenny McNeill
Jessica Breitbarth
Jessica Hurtado
Jessica Mack Weisberg
Jill Malley
Jill McKinley
Jillian Prior
Julie Inouye
Jerry Kooiman
Jim Nolan
Jina Sawani
Joanna Palmer
Joanne Sullivan
Joe Borgenicht
Jorge Castorena
Joyce Gallagher
Judy Fortin
Julia Chrencik
Kandy Ferree
Kara Hurley
Kara Raynor
Kara Steiner
Karen Aarestad
Karina Girgis
Katie Ramsey
Kerri Yoder Hubbard
Kori Crosby
Kristen Kidder
Krystal Oliveira Springgate
Laila Rashid
Lane Filler
Laura Hohenstein
Lauren Greathouse
Lauren Lele
Leorah Freeman
Lesley Snyder
Lisa McBride
Lisa Worley
Lori Frysinger
Lori Greubel
Lori Williams
Lucy Davies
Lydia Allen
Lydia Allen
Lynn Koenig
Magnolia Contreras
Marc Rolph
Maria Ober
Marika Jones
Mark Kemball
Mary Curran
Maya Adam
Meagan Barletta
Megan Dodge
Megan Sayres
Megan Smith
Meghan Perrin
Melany Duval
Melissa Head
Melissa Peerless
Meredith Aldridge
Meredith Mann
Meredith Shikora
Michael Buller
Michael Griffin
Michael Knecht
Michelle Oster
Mike Hugel
Molly Monk
Monica Lopez
Morgan Brown
Nafisa Masud
Nancy Davis Mosley
Nataly Paoli
Nicole Fitzpatrick
Nikkie Preston
Nina Restuccia
Olesea Svet
Paola Werstler
Patrice Guilfoyle
Paul Klotman
Pete Schmeling
Rachel Benoit
Rachel Cameau
Rachel Ewing
Ravin Davidoff
Ryann Monahan
Sarah Brown Rothschild
Sarah Smith
Sarah Willey
Sarah Worth
Scott Hansen
Sharon White
Shashea Adams-Guess
Sierra Smith
Stacey Cook
Staci Ghneim
Stacy Beers
Stephanie Brown
Steve Blair
Steven Gay
Susan Nee
Suzanne Sopa
Tanya Sloan
Thomas White
Todd Krohne
Toni Wells
Tracy Sylven
Vanessa Duran
Vincent Rhodes
Vladimir Oge
Will Green
Yolanda Dominguez
Zelda Calvert
2023 Thank You to the GIA Community
2022 Thank You to the GIA Community
2021 Thank You to the GIA Community
2020 Thank You to the GIA Community