Penn Medicine Facts & Figures
Penn Medicine

Penn Medicine is a vast enterprise, encompassing the University of Pennsylvania Health System and the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Our employee population of more than 40,000 spans physical therapists in rural Lancaster, Pennsylvania; nurses in Princeton, New Jersey; and highly specialized surgeons in Philadelphia.
We train medical students, graduate students, postdoctoral scientists, physician residents, and fellows, and the communities we serve span the greater Philadelphia region, the nation, and all corners of the world. All these individuals and places, in their various ways, are parts of a larger whole — and we work to tell their story to others, including the media and potential donors.
Facts & Figures helps tell that story and answer any question about the organization — even the most basic, like what is Penn Medicine? — in a highly accessible, data-forward format. This annual, comprehensive, pocket-sized report summarizes Penn Medicine’s fiscal information and accomplishments, innovative projects, and unique capabilities.
What was the most impactful part of your award-winning entry?
Each year, Facts & Figures provides a broad overview of the $7.8 billion enterprise in a handheld format — which makes it easier for our constituents and new employees to take this information on the go and reference as needed.
What is one thing you learned from this experience?
Audience is king. For the 2019 report, we made a handful of upgrades with the user experience in mind. This included using more infographics for a visually intriguing read and creating a mobile-friendly version with Adobe Spark.
Hannah Messinger,