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    Duke University School of Medicine Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Website Refresh 

    Duke University School of Medicine
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

    Duke University School of Medicine’s Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (previously the Office of Diversity & Inclusion) was renamed and restructured in late 2021. Another notable change that occurred at this time was the appointment of our first vice dean for equity, diversity, and inclusion. As the office looked to demonstrate its renewed emphasis on equity, it was the right time to refresh and reorganize the office’s website and offer the school’s constituents an easy way to learn about the school’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). 
    What was the most impactful part of your entry? 
    The most impactful part was creating an improved online presence, where our audiences (primarily faculty and staff) can better access information and resources to help educate themselves on how to become more equitable and inclusive leaders. Over the past few years, in particular, there has been a pressing need to more effectively demonstrate how the school of medicine is working to address systemic racism and to offer faculty, staff, and students a place to access anti-racism resources and learning opportunities. 
    What challenge did you overcome? 
    On the previous version of the EDI website, it was difficult for our audiences to find all the available EDI resources and activities in the school of medicine. The reorganized and revised website has made it easier for them to access this content so they can act on it. We were also challenged with gathering visual content (e.g., photos, videos) that represented the diversity of constitutes that exist here at Duke. 
    Contact: Andrea Martin     