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    Teaching Portfolio

    A Teaching Portfolio is a compilation of materials that reflect your effectiveness and time spent teaching.

    Note: Your institution may have a prescribed format and scope of content for a teaching portfolio. If it does, you should maintain your internal portfolio in accordance with those standards. Like your external CV, however, you may want to maintain a portfolio that is even more comprehensive to be submitted with your CV when applying for positions at other academic institutions. If your institution does not require you to present a teaching portfolio, you will nonetheless want to capture the following information for your CV and for consideration for positions at other academic institutions.

    Format - Less than 10 pages in length, excluding title, table of contents, and appendices; include place, date and type of activity.


    • teaching philosophy (role as a teacher, theory of learning, characteristics of good teachers, role/responsibility of learners)
    • listing of intramural teaching activities: e.g., formal courses/lectures/CME, teaching rounds, clinical didactic and bedside sessions, small group learning experience, problem-based learning sessions, seminars, journal club leadership, one-on-one teaching sessions, editorial assistance to students, supervision and advising students or others, preparation/administration of board exams, evaluator for clinical examinations, membership on committees related to education
    • listing of extramural teaching activities: visiting professorships, invited lectures and educational presentations at regional/national meetings, development of patient educational materials
    • Assessment of teaching: summary of or reference to student evaluations, peer evaluations, departmental reviews, letters of support (solicited or not solicited)
    • Awards for teaching and medical education
    • Activities undertaken to improve teaching

    Appendix: evaluations, lecture notes, syllabi, published papers, multimedia support