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    2025 CGEA/CGSA/COSR Regional Conference

    “Advancing Medical Education: Empowering Healthcare Professionals for Future Success”

    Date: April 9-11, 2025
    Location: Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan

    We are pleased to announce our upcoming joint conference with our esteemed affinity partners within the southern region:

    • Group on Educational Affairs (GEA)
    • Group on Student Affairs (GSA)
    • Organization of Student Representatives (OSR)

    We cordially invite you to join us for this collaborative event, which promises to be an enriching experience featuring:

    • Research Abstracts
    • Innovation Abstracts
    • Workshops
    • Panels

    Key Topics:

    • Accreditation
    • Transitions in Student Affairs and Medical Education
    • Professionalism and Academic Performance/Progression
    • Expanding DEI knowledge, practices, and language in the Learning Environment
    • Curriculum: Teaching and learning pedagogies and curricular innovation
    • AI, simulation, and technology
    • Assessment and evaluation
    • Professional and Leadership development
    • Advising strategy and models
    • Wellbeing and flourishing

    This unique partnership allows us to bring together diverse perspectives and expertise from across medical education, student affairs, and student representatives. The conference will offer unparalleled opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development

    Registration opens: 2025

    Conference Co-Chairs:

    • Jill Volk, MSEd
    • Robert Treat, PhD

    Call for proposals now open! Submit your proposal.

    Session Types

    Research in Medical Education Abstract Proposal

    Purpose: Includes works to promote dissemination and discussion of research and its application to medical education, student support, and advising.

    Time/Format: Submissions will be peer reviewed and selected for either poster or oral presentation. Presenting authors should be familiar enough with the project to discuss relevant literature, present findings and answer questions. Oral presentation is a short synopsis of the research. Poster presenters are expected to be available to discuss their research with session attendees.

    Proposals are limited to 350 words and must include:

    • Research Statement/Research Question
    • Background and/or theoretical framework and relevance of the study
    • Design and Methods
    • Results of data collection and analysis
    • Limitations
    • Conclusions
    • Significance (What implications do these lessons hold for now and/or the future?)

    Required but not included in 350-word count:

    • Title
    • Author(s) and affiliated institutions
    • References

    Innovations in Medical Education Abstract Proposal

    Purpose: Includes works to promote dissemination and discussion of scholarly innovations and their application to medical education, student support, and advising.

    Time/Format: Submissions will be peer reviewed and selected for either poster or oral presentation. Presenting authors should be familiar enough with the project to discuss relevant literature, present findings and answer questions. Oral presentation is a short synopsis of the innovation. Poster presenters are expected to be available to discuss their innovation with session attendees.

    Proposals are limited to 350 words and must include the following components:

    • Objective or purpose of innovation
    • Background and/or theoretical framework and importance to the field (What problem or issues have you identified or addressed?)
    • Innovation Design ((Methods and materials used). What did you do?)
    • Evaluation Plan: methods and measures
    • Outcomes (What did you find?)
    • Innovation’s strengths and limitations (What did you discover as a result of your efforts?)
    • Feasibility and transferability (What implications do these lessons hold for now or in the future?)

    Required but not included in 350-word count:

    • Title
    • Author(s) and affiliated institutions
    • References


    Purpose: Workshops are skill-oriented, interactive experience for participants which will allow them to take home specific knowledge and skills.

    Time/Format: 90 minutes for the workshop by 1 or more presenters.  It is expected that the workshop activities will include hands-on practice and/or active learning for a good portion of the workshop time. 

    Proposals are limited to 550 word abstracts and must include the following components:

    • Rationale: Why the topic is important, its timeliness, and its relevance to medical education, student support, and advising.
    • Learning Objectives: What participates will know or be able to do as a result of this session
    • Session Plan: Indicate amount of time to be allocated to each speaker or element of the program. Describe the session plan in detail, with specific attention to how the audience will be engaged through the discussion
    • Session Methods and Format: Indicate amount of time to be allocated to each speaker or element of the program. Describe the format of the session and the methods that will be used to engage participants.
    • Experience: In one sentence per speaker, describe the experience of the speaker(s).

    Required but not included in 550-word count:

    • Title
    • Author(s) and affiliated institutions


    Purpose: Panel discussions examine diverse perspectives and approaches to educational, student support, and advising subjects or issues. Presentations demonstrating collaborative work from multiple departments or institutions are especially encouraged.

    Time Format: 90-minute sessions which include presentations by 2 or more panelists and a moderator followed by responses from the audience, and exchange between participants.

    Proposals are limited to 550 word abstracts and must include the following components:

    • Rationale: Why the topic is important, its timeliness, and its relevance to medical education, student support, and advising.
    • Learning Objectives: What participants will know or be able to do as a result of this session
    • Session Methods and Format: The amount of time allocated to each speaker or element of the program. Describe the format of the session and the methods that will be used to engage participants.
    • Experience: In one sentence per speaker, describe the experience of the speaker(s).

    Required but not included in 550-word count:

    • Title
    • Author(s) and affiliated institutions

    Notes about ratings for all abstract types

    Rating Scale for each criterion:

    • 1=Poor (major concerns)
    • 2=Below Average (minor concerns)
    • 3=Average (typical; a majority of proposals should fall here)
    • 4=Above Average (better than typical)
    • 5=Excellent (truly outstanding)

    Overall Decision:

    • Accept: (this is an excellent proposal, strongly support it being in the program)
    • Accept with Reservations; Please explain(this proposal has strong qualities but minor concerns, would include in program if space permits)
    • Reject; Please explain(this proposal has major concerns, do not support it being on the program)

    Additional information

    • System will collect submitter’s contact information, presentation title, content domain, intended audience, and abstract type