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    GREAT Appropriate Treatment of Learners Working Group

    In 2021, a subcommittee of AAMC Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) developed the Appropriate Treatment of Research Trainees (AToRT) resource designed to: 1) affirm the shared principles that are essential for fostering supportive and inclusive training environments; 2) describe examples of behaviors that violate these principles; and 3) provide a framework for identifying and addressing these issues.

    Download the ATORT document (PDF)

    This document was created by the GREAT Appropriate Treatment of  Learners (AToL) working group and is intended to highlight the importance of supportive and inclusive training environments for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. All content reflects the views of the GREAT AToL working group and does not reflect the official position or policy of the AAMC unless clearly specified.

    AAMC GREAT AToRT Survey 2023

    In Spring 2023, after two years of dissemination efforts, a follow-up survey was launched to understand 1) if/how the AToRT document is being used at AAMC member institutions, 2) to collect information on grievance structures, and 3) to identify both challenges and opportunities for addressing inappropriate behaviors. The survey was sent to 708 individuals on the AAMC GREAT listserv, and had 77 responses (42 for graduate training, 22 for postdoctoral training, and 13 for MD-PhD training).

    Most respondents found their grievance structures to be “somewhat effective”, and the results highlight the diversity of structures and stakeholders across institutions as well as effective components of grievance structures.  As of Spring 2023, 40% of respondents are using the AToRT resource in activities such as policy development, faculty development trainings, and student and trainee orientations; and 34% of respondents plan to use it in the future. The biggest challenges to implementing AToRT principles include fear of retaliation and faculty buy-in. 

    View the full results 

    Who are we?

    The working group was composed of administrative leaders in the biomedical research community and includes representation from the GREAT Graduate and Postdoctoral Training Sections, and the Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS).

    • Nicquet Blake, PhD, University of California, San Francisco
    • Patrick Brandt, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    • Rebekah Corlew, PhD, AAMC
    • John P. Cullen, PhD, University of Rochester Medical Center
    • Erin Heckler, PhD, Yale University
    • Sumaira Hussain, AAMC
    • Bruce H. Mandt, PhD, University of Colorado Denver | Anschutz Medical Campus
    • Audra Van Wart, PhD, Brown University
    • Angela Wandinger-Ness, PhD, University of New Mexico Health Science Center
    • Jodi Yellin, PhD, AAMC

    Where have we presented?

    The AToRT document has been presented at the:

    AToRT Webinar (July 18, 2022)

    GREAT hosted a webinar to discuss how the AToRT document provides principles that are essential for positive training environment and how they can be leveraged to promote inclusive and supportive training environments in academic medicine.

    After this webinar, you will be able to:

    • Utilize the AToRT document as a framework to address inappropriate treatment when it occurs
    • Observe behaviors and issues that can hinder achieving equitable and inclusive climates within various environments in academic medicine
    • Demonstrate an understanding of various challenges unique to the academic research and training environment for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers


    Nicquet Blake, PhD
    Vice Provost, Student Academic Affairs Dean, Graduate Division, University of California, San Francisco


    Liza Bundesen, PhD
    Deputy Director, NIH Office of Extramural Research, National Institutes of Health

    John P. Cullen, PhD
    Profession of Clinical & Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Clinical & Translational Science Institute, University of Rochester Medical Center

    Erin Heckler, PhD
    Associate Provost for Postdoctoral Affairs, Yale University

    Karen Peterson, PhD
    Scientific Ombudsman and Director, Office of Scientific Career Development, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

    Webinar Resources

    Association of American Medical Colleges

    National Institutes of Health

    Additional Resources