The Distinguished Service Award program was created to recognize the contributions of members (current and/or former) of the Group on Institutional Planning (GIP) who, by virtue of their effort and service, have contributed significantly to the advancement of the mission of the GIP over the course of their career. Award criteria include:
- Leadership, this may include serving as a Steering Committee or Subcommittee member, supporting and mentoring fellow GIP members;
- Active participation in the GIP, this may include engaging with other members on the Listserv, presenting at GIP meetings, teleconferences, or webinars, helping to develop GIP member meeting programming and resources including the GIP Toolkit;
- Involvement in special initiatives or task forces, including papers and publications; and/or other areas of service or leadership as deemed appropriate.
Each year at the Spring Meeting the Steering Committee will name a 3-5 member Nominating Committee for the award. The Nominating Committee will review current and/or former GIP members and take recommendations from the general membership. Recognitions will be limited to one awardee per year. The Nominating Committee is not required to select an individual for recognition each year. The selection recommendation along with the necessary support information will be submitted to the Steering Committee by January 1st. The Steering Committee will review and ratify the nominee for presentation at the following Spring GIP Meeting.
Recognition for the Distinguished Service Award will include the following:
- Engraved plaque or other commemorative gift to be presented to the awardee at the Spring Meeting. If, for some reason, the individual cannot be present, it will be forwarded to him/her after recognition is given at the Spring Meeting.
- Waiver of meeting registration fee for awardee and spouse.
- The awardee will be asked if he or she would like the opportunity to prepare a speech to the GIP membership, as part of the award. If the awardee chooses to do so, then the Steering Committee will allow sufficient time as part of the annual membership luncheon during the Spring Meeting.
Toni Ganzel—2024
Walter Douglas—2023
Pam Bounelis—2022
Rhonice Burnett—2019
Donna Gissen—2018
Rama Iyengar—2017
David Browdy—2016
Nancy Tierney—2015
Robert Marriott—2014
Eric Vermillion—2013
James Bardsley—2011
David O'Brien—2010
Tom Higerd—2009
Ann Schwind—2008
Diana Carmichael—2007
David Perry—2006
Susan Vogt—2004
Gus Stefani—2003
Victor Crown—2002