As of January 2025, the AAMC decommissioned the Lyris listserv platform after persistent outages rendered it unreliable for sending or delivering messages. The AAMC team that supports CMOG is currently exploring options for members to have a new virtual space for earnest dialogue and the open exchange of ideas, best practices, and solutions to the challenges faced at academic health systems. In the meantime, please feel free to refer to previous listserv compilations collated by AAMC staff below. Note: The compilations require member login using your AAMC username and password and are only accessible to CMOG members. Contact if you have any questions.
Recent CMOG Listserv Discussions
- Percentage of APP Workforce at Your Center
- Regionalization/Cohorting of Inpatient Teams
- Throughput Challenges
- Geometric Mean Length of Stay Inquiry & Length of Stay as a Quality Metric
- CMOs with Joint Academic Appointment
- Physician Leadership Programs
- No Shows
- Requirement for Surgeon Prior to Surgery
- E-consults
- Colorectal SSI
- Ambulatory Appointment Targets
- Inpatient PT Efficiency and Coordination
- Blood Product Consent
- EMR Access
- Inpatient GIP Hospice Program
- Remdesivir
- Credentialing APPs to Administer Conscious Sedation
- Laterality for Cranial Cases Neurosurgery and Timeout
- COVID-19 Vaccine
- Question Regarding Physicians with Lapse in Clinical Practice
- Policies on Attending Supervision in the OR
- Best Way to Structure Critical Care Services
- BLS/ACLS Requirements
- Provision of Vaccines
- Question on EMTALA Reporting
- Support for Providers
- Attending Surgeon Presence for OR Time Out
- NPs Writing Chemotherapy Orders
- Population Health Director Reporting Structure
- Moderate Sedation - Requirements to Get Initial Privileges
- SRNA (Student CRNA) Supervision Policy
- Apprenticeships
- Clinical Ethics Service
- Role of the Chief Patient Safety Officer
- Clinical Observation Policies
- APRN Membership in Medical Staff
- Lactation Support Inquiry
- Faculty Professional Allowance
- ICU Service Line Query
- Credentialing and Privileging Processes
- Question about Inpatient Consultation
- Physician Coaching
- Level of Care
- Management of Emergency Department "Social Admits"
- Chair of Credentials Committee
- Dental Board Certification
- Board Certification
- Qualification to Move from Division to Department
- Hospitalist Funding Models
- Inpatient Management of Neurosurgical Patients
- Physician Leadership in Emergency Preparedness
- Photography Consent
- Patient Consents to Learners Present
- Mask Use Rule in Healthcare
- Sugammadex Question
- Surgery and Anesthesia Consents - Combined or Separate?
- FPPE/OPPE and Professionalism
- Physician Query - Surgical Pathology Results
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Delineation of Privileges Document
- Propofol Usage
- Transfer Lines vs. Consult/Advice Lines
- ED Metal Detectors & Weapons Screening
- Quality Liaison Salary/Stipend
- Hospitalists
- Policies and Procedures on Photography
- Concurrent and Overlapping Cases
- Psychiatry Coverage Models for ED Boarders
- APRN Independent Practice Question
- Committees
- IV Contrast
- Medical Staff Requirement for Board Certification for Dental Specialists
- URFO Strategies
- Workplace Violence
- Data Analyst Support
- Patient & Family Participation in Quality or Safety Programs
- GME Incentives
- ED Boarding Issues
- Decrease Contract & Traveling Nurse Use
- Interpretation of Advanced Cardiac Imaging
- Co-Signature Requirements on H&Ps by Housestaff and APPs
- Length of Stay
- CMO Job Descriptions
- Intravenous (IV) Thrombolytic Medication TNK vs. TPA
- Active Shooter Alerts
- Unit Scorecards
- OR Time Outs
- Aging Physicians
- Helpful CMO Dashboards
- Overnight Intensivist Coverage
- Quality Incentive Agreements
- Protocol Ordering
- Access to EHR, Email, Computer Network for Physicians on Leave
- Informed Consent
- Concurrent OR Cases
- Unvaccinated Clinical Staff
- Use of Ivermectin
- Work Related Travel
- COVID Testing for Hospitalized Patients
- COVID Vaccine Requirements
- CMO Access to Project Management Resources
- Completion of MR Policy and Non-Compliance
- Peer Review Best Practices
- Policies/Procedures to Prevent Illegal Drug Use While Inpatient
- Capsule Endoscopy Interpretation Rates
- Automated Systems for Periop Materials Management