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    About AAHCI

    AAHCI (the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International) enables leaders of academic health centers and systems around the world to work collectively to advance health and well-being. AAHCI enhances the ability of its members to lead the way forward in health care, biomedical research, and the education of future health care professionals. By working closely with the Alliance of Academic Health Centers (the Alliance), AAHCI is able to promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among academic health centers globally.

    AAHCI’s close relationship with the AAMC provides members with enhanced access to a broader network, essential data, informative publications, and other valuable resources.

    AAHCI’s mission is to lead its members as they transform, adapt, and thrive in the changing health care landscape through thought leadership, innovative programs, policy development, advocacy, meetings, publications, and research and analytics. 

    AAHCI Leadership

    The AAHCI Steering Committee provides critical input and guidance on strategic plans, programs, and initiatives. The chair of the AAHCI Steering Committee is a member of the Alliance Steering Committee, and vice versa. 

    AAHCI Regional Offices

    AAHCI members comprise academic health centers and health systems from around the world. AAHCI has established a number of Regional Offices globally. 
    AAHCI Regional Offices bring together academic health centers and health systems within specific regions for the purpose of promoting activities, programs, and interests. The offices also serve to provide valuable insight for AAHCI and the Alliance on key issues and the challenges facing each region.

    AAHCI Membership

    International Membership in AAHCI (the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International) is institution-based. The membership year is July 1 – June 30.

    Institutional Memberships in AAHCI are available for Academic Health Centers and Systems, broadly defined as an institution, alliance or partnership that has, or has among its alliance or partnership, including in planning stages:

    • A school of medicine,
    • One or more other health professions schools and/or advanced medical research programs, and
    • A relationship to one or more teaching hospitals or health systems.

    Supporting Memberships in AAHCI are available for Collaborating Organizations, broadly defined as not-for-profit and governmental organizations that promote collaboration and demonstrate commitment to fostering mission alignment among healthcare delivery, health professions education, and research. 

    Information about member benefits and criteria to join is available on our AAHCI Membership page. Use this form to submit a membership application.

    Our member institutions.

    AAHCI Awards

    Through two awards, AAHCI recognizes and celebrates the outstanding work of its members: the AAHCI Distinguished Service Award and the AAHCI Innovation Award. Read about the awards and the recipients.

    AAHCI History 

    An institutional member-based organization founded in 2008, AAHCI is a wholly owned subsidiary of the AAMC. In 2022, the Association of Academic Health Centers merged into the AAMC to form the Alliance of Academic Health Centers, and AAHCI, an LLC, became a part of the AAMC.