The AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative (ASLI) invites students of academic health centers to submit proposals sharing new ideas or innovative programs tackling key topics in health professions education.
In 2020, the AAHCI launched the AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative (ASLI) with the leadership of the AAHCI Latin America & Caribbean (LAC) Regional Office host, University of São Paulo. AAHCI awarded the 2023 Innovation Award to Prof. Valeria Aoki, President of the International Relations Committee of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo for creating the AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative (ASLI). Professor Valeria Aoki explained that the initiative invites medical students to submit innovative plans on how to support new standards for training and medical education programs.
2025 ASLI: AI in Health Professions Education
Call for submissions is now open. Submit
Contact for more information.
Students are invited to share thought leadership by submitting innovative ideas and proposals related to AI in health professions education. Proposals can highlight new ideas or existing innovative programs, models, or studies that achieve one of the following:
- Inspires research and innovation in artificial intelligence to address new challenges in health professions education.
- Addresses the impact of artificial intelligence on professionalism, patient care, and/or patient safety.
- Encourages academic health centers to promote and develop innovative programs and models that integrate artificial intelligence in the health professions.
2024 ASLI: Innovative Interprofessional Education (IPE) Models and Programs
In partnership with AAHCI regional offices, AAHCI opened a call for submissions for students at AAHCI member institutions to submit proposal abstracts on the theme: “Innovative Interprofessional Education (IPE) Models and Programs”.
Finalists were announced in a news article and a compendium with all abstracts submitted by participating institutions was published (PDF). Several finalists and student groups presented their work in a virtual 2024 AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative Ignite! Talks session .
ASLI 2024 provided health profession students an opportunity for thought leadership and to share their ideas and proposals for innovations in interprofessional education in the health care professions that:
- Inspires research and innovation in interprofessional education IPE in response to new challenges at the different health systems represented by AAHCI.
- Addresses the impact of interprofessional education IPE in professionalism, patient care, and/or patient safety.
- Encourages academic health centers to promote and develop innovative interprofessional education programs and models.
2023 ASLI: Innovative Interprofessional Education (IPE) Models and Programs
In partnership with AAHCI regional offices, AAHCI is opening a new call for submissions for students at AAHCI member institutions to submit proposal abstracts for a new ASLI theme: “Innovative Interprofessional Education (IPE) Models and Programs”.
The goal is to provide health profession students an opportunity for thought leadership and to share their ideas and proposals for innovations in interprofessional education in the health care professions. Specifically, students will be invited to share proposals that highlight new ideas or existing innovative programs, models, or studies that achieve at least one of the following:
- Inspires research and innovation in interprofessional education IPE in response to new challenges at the different health systems represented by AAHCI.
- Addresses the impact of interprofessional education IPE in professionalism, patient care, and/or patient safety.
- Encourages academic health centers to promote and develop innovative interprofessional education programs and models.
Submissions from students include an abstract, up to 500 words, describing:
- Purpose – What is the problem or need addressed by the innovation?
- Innovation – What is being done to address this problem?
- Impact – What are the short and long-term impacts of the innovation?
Finalists were announced in a press release and a compendium with all abstracts submitted by participating institutions was published (PDF). Several finalists and student groups presented their work in a virtual 2023 AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative Ignite! Talks session.
2022 ASLI: The Convergence of Climate Change and Health Professions Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
ASLI 2022 focused on student innovative approaches to the convergence of climate change, health care, and health professions education. Specifically, students were invited to share proposals that highlight new ideas or existing innovative programs or studies that achieve at least one of the following:
- Inspires research and innovation in health care in response to the impact of climate change on the environment (e.g., tropical diseases).
- Addresses the health effects of climate change as it relates to patient care.
- Encourages academic health centers to reduce their environmental impact.
The submissions below received top marks, and the student authors presented their concepts at the 2022 LAC Regional Meeting:
- Faculdade das Américas: Using a Database to Measure and Understand the Influence of Climate Change on Disease Statistics in Brazil.
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana: Building Latina America’s Future Healthcare Workforce: Climate and Health Integration into a Medical Competency-Based Curriculum.
- TecSalud Monterrey: Policymaking Experience to Address Health Effects of Climate Change.
Finalists were announced in a press release and a compendium with all abstracts submitted by participating institutions was published (PDF). Several finalists and student groups presented their work in a virtual 2022 AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative Ignite! Talks session.
AAHCI invites members who are interested in sponsoring the AAHCI Student Leadership Initiative in their region on a topic relevant to academic health to contact us at
2021 ASLI: Virtual Medical Education
AAHCI, in partnership with the AAHCI Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Regional Office host, supported this initiative in the LAC region — the first region to launch the initiative — and invited medical students from member institutions in the LAC region to submit proposals sharing innovative ideas on virtual medical education.
Participating AAHCI institutions in the LAC region included:
- Clínica Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia).
- Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu – Universidade Estadual Paulista (Brazil).
- TecSalud, Tecnológico de Monterrey (Mexico).
- Universidad del Rosario (Colombia).
- University of São Paulo (Brazil).
The following student submissions received top remarks and were selected to present their ideas at the AAHC 2021 Global Innovation Forum:
- Frontiers in Global Health, TecSalud Monterrey.
- How COVID-19 Helped Us Discover New Resources in Medical Education, Universidad de La Sabana.
- MEDnasNUVENS’s Optimized Medical Education Model, University of São Paulo.
- Bringing Teachers and Students Together in the COVID-19 Pandemic, University of São Paulo.
Finalists were announced in a press release and a compendium with all abstracts submitted by participating institutions was published. Read the 2021 abstracts compendium (PDF).