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AAHCI (Alliance of Academic Health Centers International)

AAHCI (the Alliance of Academic Health Centers International) is a global network of academic health centers and systems committed to advancing health, education, and research through collaboration. It’s mission is to lead members as they transform, adapt, and thrive in the changing health care landscape through thought leadership, meetings, innovative programs, advocacy, and publications.


Institutional Memberships in AAHCI are available for Academic Health Centers and Systems, broadly defined as an institution, alliance or partnership that has, or has among its alliance or partnership, including in planning stages: a school of medicine, other health professions schools and/or advanced medical research programs, and a relationship to one or more teaching hospitals or health systems. 

Supporting memberships are also available for collaborating organizations.  Information about member benefits and criteria to join is available on the AAHCI Membership page. Use this form to submit a membership application.

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Academic Health Center Impact

  • Academic health centers are deeply embedded in their communities.
  • Academic health centers provide tertiary and quaternary health care services, specializing in the most complex and difficult diagnoses and treatments while educating the next generation of health professionals.
  • Academic health centers have a significant economic impact both locally and globally and produce original products and technologies that benefit millions of people worldwide.

Featured Resources


Regularly scheduled annual meetings, roundtables, webinars, and other programs addressing timely and relevant topics for the academic health center community.


AAHCI Regional Offices promote programs and activities with members around the world to support their regional interests.