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  • Washington Highlights

    Senate Democrats Unveil FY 2023 Spending Bills for Veterans Affairs, NSF


    Christa Wagner, Manager, Government Relations
    For Media Inquiries

    Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) released drafts of the committee’s 12 fiscal year (FY) 2023 spending bills on July 28, including funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Spending bills for other medical research, public health, and education agencies and programs were also introduced [refer to related story].

    The House of Representatives passed six of its 12 FY 2023 bills earlier this month, including the Military Construction, VA, and Related Agencies (MilCon-VA) spending bill [refer to Washington Highlights, July 22]. Neither chamber is expected to take additional action on their FY 2023 spending bills until after members return from August recess in September, when lawmakers likely will need to pass a continuing resolution. Funding for the current fiscal year is set to expire on Sept. 30. 

    The Senate draft FY 2023 MilCon-VA spending bill would match the president’s request of $916 million for the VA Medical and Prosthetic Research program, an increase of $34 million (3.8%) over FY 2022 spending levels. Additional details are in the accompanying explanatory statement and bill summary. 

    Like the House-passed bill, the Senate draft bill adopts President Joe Biden’s request to establish VA medical care spending as its own category, separated from the traditional defense and nondefense categories. 

    Like the House-passed bill, the Senate draft MilCon-VA bill includes an additional $4.3 billion for Medical Community Care for a total of $28.5 billion in FY 2023 — a $5 billion (22%) increase over FY 2022. The bill also includes FY 2024 advanced appropriations of $33 billion for Medical Community Care. 

    For Medical Services, the Senate draft bill includes an additional $261 million for a total of $70.6 billion in FY 2023 — an $11.7 billion (20%) increase over FY 2022. The bill also includes FY 2024 advanced appropriations of $74 billion for Medical Services. 

    The Senate draft Commerce and Justice, Science, and Related Agencies spending bill would provide $10.4 billion for the NSF in FY 2023, a $1.5 billion (17%) increase over FY 2022 spending levels. This proposal would exceed the House subcommittee’s proposed $9.6 billion investment and fall slightly below the president’s $10.5 billion request. Additional details on the draft Senate funding level are in the accompanying explanatory statement and bill summary. 

    Separately, both the House and Senate approved legislation during the week of July 25 that would authorize increased funding for the NSF and establish a new technology directorate [refer to related story].