The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) published on Jan. 13 a notice of funding opportunity regarding the next round of Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) grants for new rural residency and new rural track programs. The RRPD grant provides awardees up to $750,000 over a three-year period that can be used for the startup costs associated with new residency programs, such as accreditation costs, faculty development, and resident recruitment. Programs in family medicine, internal medicine, preventative medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology are eligible for grants. To be considered a rural program, residents must spend greater than 50% of training in an area designated rural by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services or the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy.
Applications are due to HRSA by April 10. Additional information about RRPD grants can be found on the HRSA RRPD website.