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  • Washington Highlights

    CMS Opens Applications for New Medicare-Funded GME Positions


    Brad Cunningham, Sr. Regulatory Analyst, Graduate Medical Education
    For Media Inquiries

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Jan. 7 opened the application for slot distributions under Section 126 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260, PDF) and Section 4122 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328, PDF). Each program can award up to 200 full-time equivalent (FTE) Medicare-funded positions to qualifying hospitals. This will be the fourth round for distributions through Section 126, and the first for Section 4122. For both distribution programs, qualifying hospitals are rural hospitals, hospitals over the Medicare FTE cap, hospitals in states with new medical schools or branch campuses, and hospitals that serve a geographic Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA).

    Hospitals may apply for distributions from both programs, but there are some differences between the distribution programs for Section 126 and Section 4122. For instance, Section 126 Rounds 4 and 5 hospitals in geographic HPSAs will receive awards first, then if slots remain, the CMS will distribute based on the same HPSA score prioritization used in the first three rounds. Under Section 4122, the agency will distribute up to 1.0 FTE to all qualifying hospitals that apply and submit timely applications to comply with a “pro rata” distribution requirement found in the authorizing legislation.

    More information and the application for both programs is available on the CMS direct graduate medical education website under the Section 126 and Section 4122 tabs. Applications are due by March 31, and any slots awarded will be effective July 1, 2026.