March 3: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee Hearing on Substance Use Disorder
10:00 am, 2123 Rayburn House Office Building
The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee will hold a legislative hearing titled, “Combatting an Epidemic: Legislation to Help Patients with Substance Use Disorders.”
March 3: Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Hearing on Coronavirus
10:00 a.m., 430 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a hearing titled, “An Emerging Disease Threat: How the U.S. Is Responding to COVID-19, the Novel Coronavirus.”
March 4: House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on NIH Budget
10:00 a.m., 2358-C Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
The House Appropriations Labor, Heath and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Subcommittee will hold a hearing titled, “National Institutes of Health Budget Request for FY 2021.” National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins is expected to testify.
March 4: House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on VA Budget
10:30 a.m., 2362-C Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.
The House Appropriations Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Subcommittee will hold a hearing titled, “Department of Veterans Affairs Budget Request for FY2021.” Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie is expected to testify.
March 5: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Hearing on Coronavirus Response
9:30 a.m., 342 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will hold a hearing titled, “The Federal Interagency Response to the Coronavirus and Preparing for Future Global Pandemics.”
March 5-6: MedPAC Public Meeting
1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C.
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission will hold a public meeting.