On Sept. 25, the AAMC submitted comments in response to the proposed rule issued by the departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury focused on strengthening enforcement of mental health parity and equity requirements as outlined in the Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. In the letter, the association expressed support for the Biden administration’s efforts to expand access to mental and behavioral health services.
Among the comments provided to the agencies, the AAMC highlighted the importance of preventing mental and behavioral health conditions. To improve access, the association recommended increasing reimbursement rates for mental and behavioral health services while decreasing administrative burdens. Additionally, the association suggested strengthening network adequacy requirements and removing barriers to treatment, such as the excessive use of utilization management tools. To further improve access, the association also urged the agencies to invest in behavioral health models, expand the use of telehealth, and promote the use of interprofessional consultations.