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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC, Higher Ed Groups Urge Congress to Pass TREAT Act


    Jason Kleinman, Senior Legislative Analyst, Govt. Relations
    Brett Roude, Legislative Analyst

    The AAMC joined the higher education community on a Dec. 14 letter urging congressional leadership to include the Temporary Reciprocity to Ensure Access to Treatment Act (TREAT, H.R. 8283, S. 4421) as part of the next COVID-19 relief package or spending bill [see related story].

    The bipartisan, bicameral TREAT Act would allow health care professionals licensed in good standing to provide in-person care or telehealth visits from any state throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and in future national emergencies without jeopardizing their state licensure.

    The letter notes, “The pandemic is understandably taking a toll on students, with a growing body of evidence showing increased anxiety and depression among young people as they struggle to navigate a college experience very different from the one they envisioned. Unfortunately, the patchwork of state and local licensing laws that restrict the provision of care across state lines remains a significant barrier to timely access to vital physical and mental health care.”

    The AAMC has previously supported the TREAT Act [see Washington Highlights, Sept. 25] and urged Congress to include it in the next COVID-19 relief package since it provides important flexibility to ensure that patients receive the care they need during an emergency [see Washington Highlights, Nov. 20].