Project Title: Network dysfunction and impaired consciousness in epilepsy
Position: Postdoctoral Associate
Institution: Yale University
Funding NIH Institute/Center: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Grant ID: K99NS133494
Aya Khalaf grew up in Cairo, Egypt, where she received her BS and MS in biomedical engineering from Cairo University in 2012 and 2015, respectively. During her MS, she developed machine learning approaches to analyze physiological signals. She earned her PhD from the University of Pittsburgh in 2019, where she developed single and multimodal brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for improving cognitive functions in stroke patients as well as providing them with means of effective communication with the surrounding environment. To analyze BCI data, she developed advanced machine learning and multimodal information fusion methods. Currently, Aya is a postdoctoral associate at Yale School of Medicine, where she investigates mechanisms of normal consciousness as well as impaired consciousness in epilepsy using several neuroimaging modalities. She developed computational and machine learning methods to unravel neural mechanisms of normal and impaired conscious perception and to provide clinical tools that can improve patient quality of life. Aya’s overarching career goal is to achieve a comprehensive understanding of brain network dysfunction in epilepsy and other neurological disorders and to develop computational neuroimaging and machine learning approaches to improve diagnosis and therapy of neurological disorders. Throughout her PhD and postdoctoral training, Aya has actively mentored many students from various underrepresented groups. As she advances in her career, Aya will be always committed to promoting diversity, inclusion and equity through training and mentoring individuals from underrepresented groups and creating a positive and safe environment for all.