Project Title: Developing, Validating, and Implementing an Epidemiological Instrument to Assess the Effect of Resistance Training on Measures of Cardiometabolic Disease
Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Institution: Northwestern University at Chicago
Funding NIH Institute/Center: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Project ID: K99HL168338
Robert Booker, PhD, MS, ACSM-EP, grew up in Ozark, Missouri. He earned his bachelor’s degree in exercise and movement sciences from Missouri State University and returned to complete his master’s degree in health promotion and wellness management. He went on to earn a PhD in kinesiology at Mississippi State University. Dr. Booker is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Northwestern University in the Department of Preventive Medicine. His research focuses on how resistance training impacts cardiometabolic disease and the measurement of resistance training for epidemiological research. Dr. Booker has consistently been involved in efforts to promote diversity, including his time at the Jackson Heart Study Graduate Training and Education Center as a Robert Smith, MD, Graduate Scholar and at the American College of Sports Medicine’s Leadership and Diversity Training Program. He will continue promoting diversity in the sciences as a MOSAIC scholar and as an independent investigator.