What is the Foundational Principles of Inclusion Excellence (FPIE) Toolkit?
FPIE is a qualitative toolkit that provides organizations with an opportunity to better understand how individuals within an organization view the organization’s commitment towards inclusion excellence through rich, in-depth discussions delivered in a workshop setting. This toolkit helps organizations assess the lived experiences of learners, faculty, and staff within the learning and workplace environments (e.g., departments and/or departmental units). Included materials provide guidance in determining actions to address priority areas based on the results, mapping a path to continuous inclusion improvement, and collectively prioritizing goals moving forward.
What aspects of inclusion are measured through the FPIE Toolkit?
The FPIE Toolkit is centered upon nine principles that can assist medical schools and teaching hospitals in achieving inclusive excellence in their learning and workplace environments. The principles include:
- Diversity is a strategic imperative.
- Intersectionality and authenticity are recognized, valued, and embraced.
- Employees and learners are part of the fundamental fabric of the organizational community.
- Talent optimization is practiced, and differences are recognized, leveraged, and rewarded.
- There is equitable access to opportunities.
- Transparent, effective communication and information-sharing are the norm.
- There is a demonstrated culture of inclusion in alignment with the organization’s vision, mission, and values.
- There is a demonstrated commitment to community engagement.
- Shared accountability and responsibility for diversity and inclusion efforts are the expectation.
What is the process for completing the FPIE Toolkit?
FPIE is designed to guide equity, diversity, and inclusion leaders in assessing the lived experience of individuals within their institutions, departments, or units. The FPIE toolkit is administered in a series of facilitated workshops and discussions that encourage dialogue and collegiality. Depending on the number of units participating in this activity, this process may take several months to complete. Once the assessment and workshops are completed, leaders should engage in goal setting and action planning to improve accountability for inclusion.
What materials are included within the FPIE Toolkit?
Upon purchasing FPIE, institutions will receive a toolkit of materials for implementation. Materials include preparation documents, the principles, the self-assessment tool, a scorecard, workshop presentations, discussion guides, and facilitator instructions. It also includes a listing of promising and effective inclusion excellence practices. The toolkit is provided as a series of PDF and Microsoft Office files offering a complete “roadmap” to implement the assessment and move towards achieving inclusion excellence in the workplace and learning environment.