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    Assessing Trainee Competence in LGBT Patient Care

    Video Length: 25 minutes

    Learning Objectives:
    After viewing this video, the learner will be able to:

    • Explain the importance of assessment in motivating trainees to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to provide competent care to LGBT and DSD-affected patients
    • Describe at least three challenges to the development of evidence-based strategies to assess trainee competence in LGBT and DSD-affected patient health at learner, faculty, and systems levels
    • Describe at least two strengths and two weaknesses of available assessment tools in evaluating learner competence in LGBT and DSD-affected patient health
    • List at least three examples of available assessment tools evaluating learner competence in LGBT and DSD-affected patient health can be used most effectively at different points across the curricular continuum
    • Describe the impact of institutional climate in facilitating or hindering the ability of trainees to learn how to provide culturally competent care to LGBT and DSD-affected patients

    Carey Roth Bayer, EdD, MEd, BSN, RN, CSE
    Center of Excellence for Sexual Health
    Morehouse School of Medicine

    Andrés F. Sciolla, MD
    Associate Professor
    Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
    UC Davis Health System

    Henry Ng, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACP
    Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
    Department of Internal Medicine
    Department of Pediatrics
    Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

    Jennifer Potter, MD
    Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School
    Director of the Women's Health Center
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    Director of the Women's Health Program, Fenway Health

    Suggested Citation:
    Association of American Medical Colleges. "Assessing Trainee Competence in LGBT Patient Care" (October, 2016). AAMC Videos and Resources. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges. Available online at: /initiatives/diversity/470840/atcinlgbtpc.html