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    Designing Project Evaluations to Monitor, Guide Programmatic Design, and Understand Outcomes and Impact


    Video Length: 67 minutes


    This hour-long webinar will provide concrete guidelines to design and conduct evaluations and describe for participants the critical steps of designing an effective evaluation, focusing in particular on developing a logic model, expected outputs and outcomes, and appropriate metrics. It will also establish the most appropriate methodological approach to determine the effectiveness of the project and answer other questions of interest, as well as discuss the alignment between evaluations design and uses of evaluation results and pay particular attention to short- and long-term project monitoring and evaluation needs. Projects currently being implemented at medical and dental schools throughout the nation will be used as a concrete example.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Understand the critical steps of designing effective evaluation.
    • Understand the development and functionality of a logic model.
    • Interpret qualitative and quantitative outputs and outcomes.
    • Determine the appropriate metrics and appropriate methodology to obtain said metrics.


    Clemencia Cosentino, PhD
    Senior Researcher and Area Leader
    Mathematica Policy Research