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    Supporting and Caring for our Latino LGBT Youth

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    Supporting and Caring for our Latino LGBT Youth presents descriptive data on the experiences of 1,937 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth who identify as Latino. The sample is a subset of the 10,000 participants in Growing Up LGBT in America, a survey of American LGBT youth ages 13 to 17 conducted in 2012 by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The report presents data on participants’ experiences of sexuality- and gender-related openness, maltreatment, and support at home, at school, online, and in their larger community. It compares LGBT Latino responses to non-LGBT Latino youth from an online panel sample, and to LGBT youth of other races and ethnicities. Latino LGBT youth were more likely than their non-LGBT Latino peers to feel that they did not “fit in,” and less likely to have an adult family member they would turn to for support. They were also more likely to have experienced harassment and violence. However, most youth reported that their school and peers were accepting of LGBT people. Latino youth were more likely than non-Latino participants to be open about their sexual orientation or gender identity with classmates and teachers. The report highlights the intersection of religious identity, Latino identity, and LGBT status. It concludes with recommendations for supporting LGBT Latino youth, and resources for youth, families, friends, and professionals. The report was produced by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation in partnership with the League of United Latin American Citizens.

    Learning Objectives

    After viewing this video, the learner will be able to:

    • To understand the scope and impact of stigma and harassment among Latino youth who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT).
    • To compare the experiences of LGBT Latino youth to those of non-LGBT Latino youth.
    • To compare the experiences of LGBT Latino youth to those of non-Latino LGBT youth.


    The Human Rights Campaign Foundation

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