The AAMC is providing these forums as a platform for sharing important policy updates and other timely information with the Group on Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) and the Group on Research Advancement and Development (GRAND) communities.
AAMC Webinar: Re-envisioning NIH-Supported Postdoctoral Training (ACD Postdoc WG) (January 2024)
Drs. Tara Schwetz and Shelley Berger, the co-chairs of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD) Working Group on Re-envisioning NIH Supported Postdoctoral Training, and Dr. Jodi Yellin, a working group member, will discuss the working group’s recommendations to address the recent decline in postdocs and to support a sustainable and diverse workforce. The panel will also share what led to the formation of the working group and engage in a discussion with the AAMC academic medicine and research training community.
NCATS Update Webinar: Launch of Collaborative Data Analytics Platform for Studying COVID-19
Joni L. Rutter, PhD, acting director of NCATS, presented details about the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C), a partnership led by NCATS, to create a COVID-19 analytics platform. Dr. Rutter highlighted opportunities for researchers to access N3C data.
Update from the NIH Office of Extramural Research (December 2020 Update)
Mike Lauer, MD, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, provided an update on key NIH policies for the extramural research and research training community. Presentations Slides (PDF)
Addressing Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine
Carrie Wolinetz, PhD, NIH Acting Chief of Staff and Associate Director for Science Policy, Frazier Benya, PhD, study director for the NASEM sexual harassment report, and the AAMC provided updates and presented recent data. Presentations Slides (PDF)
Insights on Federal Funding and the National Institutes of Health (2020 Update)
Tannaz Rasouli, MPH, Senior Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, and Christa Wagner, PhD, Senior Legislative Analyst, led a discussion on where the federal appropriations process stands and updated on COVID-19 emergency supplemental funding for federal research agencies. Presentation Slides (PDF)
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Director’s Update
Eliseo J. Pérez-Stable, MD, Director of the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), updated key NIMHD issues for the extramural research and research training community. Dr. Pérez-Stable addressed current funding opportunities targeting inequities related to COVID-19 and minority health and health disparities, and contributors to racial/ethnic inequities in NIH funding and efforts underway to address the disparity. Presentation Slides (PDF)
National Institute of General Medical Sciences Director's Update
Jon Lorsch, PhD, Director of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), updated on key NIGMS issues for the extramural research and research training community. Dr. Lorsch addressed NIGMS support of faculty and trainees during the COVID-19 pandemic, progress of MIRA (R35) awards for early-career and established investigators, update on revised NIGMS T32 training programs, and support for regional facilities and lab safety in training environments. Presentation Slides (PDF)
The View from the NIH Office of Extramural Research
Mike Lauer, MD, NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research, provided an update on key NIH policies for the extramural research and research training community. Along with general NIH updates, Dr. Lauer addressed how the NIH is responding to the coronavirus pandemic. Presentation Slides (PDF)
Accessing Available AAMC Data Research, Evaluation, Policy, and Advocacy
Hershel Alexander, PhD, AAMC Director of Data Operations and Services, provided an overview of selected AAMC data resources that may be of interest to the biomedical science community for research, evaluation, policy, and advocacy purposes. The presentation covered descriptions of how to access AAMC data and what data are available. Presentation Slides (PDF)
Report from the National Academy of Sciences: The Science on Effective Mentoring in STEMM
The study director of the report, Maria Lund Dahlberg, and a member of the report consensus committee, Rick McGee, PhD, discussed the key report findings on the science of mentorship in STEMM, report recommendations on the institutional implementation of effective mentoring practices, and highlights of the online mentoring resource guide designed by the report committee. Presentation Slides (PDF)
Insights on Federal Funding and the National Institutes of Health
Tannaz Rasouli, MPH, Senior Director of Public Policy and Government Relations, discussed where the federal appropriations process stand and NIH and agency budgets. Presentation Slides (PDF)
Key Issues in Science and Research Policy: Data Sharing and Foreign Government Influence
Heather Pierce, JD, MPH, AAMC Senior Director of Science Policy and Regulatory Counsel, discussed the future of sharing research data and recognizing those who share, and how recent revelations about how foreign government influence is affecting the US research and research training enterprise. Presentation Slides (PDF)