The ORR is governed by an Administrative Board elected at the spring Professional Development Conference (PDC). Elected positions include the Chair, Chair-elect and six at-large seats; the immediate-past chair sits ex-officio. The Administrative Board meets during the Spring PDC, June, September, and December. Liaison positions are filled by election on an as-needed basis.
Adam Roussas, MD, MBA, MSE - Emergency Medicine
Oluwabukola A. Akingbola, MD - Obstetrics & Gynecology
Immediate Past Chair
Mallory Abney, MD - Emergency Medicine
Johnothan Smileye Jr., MD - Emergency Medicine, AAMC Board of Directors
At-Large Members
Abigail Gellert, MD - Pediatrics
Anyka Clouden, MD, MPH - Pediatrics
David Bernstein, MD, MBA, MEI - Orthopaedic Surgery
Diana Rubio, MD - Family Medicine
Meredith Herman, DO - Pathology
Patrick W. Underwood, MD - General Surgery
Samuel Bunting, MD, MSHA - Psychiatry
Tauhid Mahmud, MD, MPH - Preventive Medicine
Group on Diversity and Inclusion
Diana Rubio, MD - Family Medicine
Johnothan Smileye Jr, MD - Emergency Medicine
Careers in Medicine
Evenly Qin, MD, MPH - Physiatry
NRMP Board Of Directors
Katherine Scribner, DO - Pathology
NBME Advisory Committee for Medical School Programs
Melissa Palma, MD, MPH - Preventive Medicine
AAMC Staff
Eric Wilkerson, Director
Melanie Whall, Constituent Engagement Specialist