The SGEA supports and encourages innovation in medical education. To recognize members who have developed an innovative approach to medical education and to support participation of SGEA members in activities that promote educational scholarship, the SGEA will provide one award of $5000 each year to recognize an outstanding innovation in medical education. Innovations which promote collaborative projects across institutions, the health professions, and sections (UGME, GME, CME, and MESRE) will be given extra consideration. This is an award rather than a grant, so the winner may apply the funds wherever they see the greatest need for continued improvement in medical education.
All SGEA members are eligible to submit a proposal. Completed applications should be submitted via the online submission form by July 14 for consideration. Additional details, review criteria, and application requirements can be found here.
Proposals must be received by July 14 to be considered for the current year’s award. Awardees will be announced at the annual SGEA Business Meeting at the AAMC Annual Meeting. The project director (winner of the award) will prepare a brief presentation for the following year’s SGEA conference designed to share the innovation with an emphasis on generalizability so other institutions can benefit from the ideas. One project will be recognized per year, depending on the submitted proposal quality.
Submit your completed application via the online form by July 14, 2023.
All inquiries and communications should be addressed to:
Mariah Rudd, MEd, SGEA Special Projects Chair