Section 1. The name of this entity is the Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation (MESRE) section of the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA) of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), hereafter called MESRE.
Section 1. MESRE enhances the quality of research/scholarship in medical education and promotes its application to educational practice by serving as a resource for medical educators across the continuum. Acting in an advisory capacity to the GEA and AAMC, its mission is accomplished through collaboration among its members by:
(a) Improving the quality of medical education scholarship, research and evaluation;
(b) Fostering the professional development of medical educators who seek to contribute to scholarship, research and evaluation;
(c) Building awareness and discourse in medical education scholarship to promote social justice and address health inequities;
(d) Facilitating the exchange of new knowledge and research findings;
(e) Disseminating the results of novel scholarship, research, and evaluation and encouraging their application to educational practice in multiple contexts.
Section 1. All educators affiliated with AAMC institutions (US and Canada), the Council of Teaching Hospitals (US and Canada), or the GEA are members of MESRE.
Section 2. Faculty, staff, medical students, residents and fellows are welcome and encouraged to participate in the full range of MESRE activities including business meetings, committees, and ad hoc task forces.
Section 3. Retired individuals affiliated with the GEA may participate in the full range of MESRE activities, including business meetings, committees, and ad hoc task forces.
Section 1. MESRE business meetings will be held at least once annually at the AAMC annual meeting. Notification of such meetings to members should occur at least 30 days before the meeting date.
Section 1. The MESRE officers include the Chair, Chair-Elect, and Past Chair, with terms beginning at the AAMC Annual Meeting.
Section 2. Chair. The presiding member of the MESRE Steering Committee, the MESRE Chair provides leadership in achieving MESRE’s mission by chairing the MESRE Steering Committee, representing MESRE on the GEA Steering Committee, facilitating the involvement of MESRE in regional and national GEA initiatives, and ensuring communication between the GEA Steering Committee and the MESRE membership. In conjunction with the MESRE and GEA steering committees, the MESRE Chair shall set priorities for MESRE activities, guide their implementation, and periodically evaluate the value of such activities. The Chair is responsible for convening regular conference calls with the MESRE Steering Committee, submitting regular section reports to the GEA Steering Committee, and distributing meeting minutes to MESRE Steering Committee members. The Chair shall set the agenda for the annual MESRE business meeting held during the AAMC’s National Meeting and shall preside over that meeting. The Chair shall serve as liaison with other societies in medical education as needed. The Chair mentors the Chair-Elect and, at the completion of the two-year term, the Chair assumes the role of Past Chair of MESRE.
Section 3. Chair-Elect. A member of the MESRE Steering Committee, the Chair-Elect serves a one-year term during which time s/he learns aspects of MESRE including roles of each member on the MESRE Steering Committee, GEA initiatives, and MESRE governance. The Chair-Elect also presides over MESRE Steering Committee meetings in the absence of the Chair. As requested, the Chair-Elect may head other initiatives or projects deemed important by the MESRE Steering Committee. At the completion of the one-year term, the Chair-Elect assumes the role of MESRE Chair.
Criteria for the position of Chair-Elect include: (1) demonstrated productivity and peer-reviewed publications in medical education research/scholarship; (2) previous participation in MESRE activities, either nationally or regionally; (3) strong leadership skills, decision making ability, and communication skills; (4) ability to commit to serving full terms as Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair.
Nominations for Chair-Elect resulting from a national call, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s research/scholarship record, are presented as a slate by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The Chair-Elect is selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented.
Section 4. Past Chair. A member of the MESRE Steering Committee, the Past Chair serves in an advisory capacity to the current Chair, Chair-Elect, and other members of the MESRE Steering Committee. The Past Chair convenes and presides over ad hoc committees as requested by the Chair. As requested, the Past Chair may lead other initiatives or projects deemed important by the MESRE Steering Committee. The Past Chair serves a one-year term.
Section 5. Regional Chairs. The MESRE Regional Chair is an elected position, with one chair per region of the GEA (Central, Northeast, South, and Western). The MESRE Regional Chair serves on the MESRE Steering Committee and also as a member of their regional steering committee. National responsibilities include: (1) serve as a liaison to individual regions; (2) provide updates on regional MESRE activities; (3) serve as a member of the MESRE Nominating Committee; (4) implement and facilitate MESRE activities at the AAMC’s national meeting; and (5) attend the MESRE business meeting at the AAMC annual meeting.
Regional Chairs assume responsibilities at the spring GEA Regional Meetings. These responsibilities include: (1) participate/coordinate with meeting planning for the annual regional meeting, especially related to MESRE programming; (2) manage/review the call for abstracts to the annual regional meetings; (3) facilitate sessions at the annual regional meetings on MESRE-related topics; (4) manage/participate in the process for selecting MESRE-related awards at the annual regional meeting; (5) lead the MESRE section meeting at the annual regional meeting; and (6) manage the regional grant program.
Some regions also have MESRE Regional Chair-elect positions, which are advantageous for the continuity and progression of MESRE efforts. Responsibilities may include: (1) serve as a reviewer for the annual regional meeting; (2) participate in the MESRE section meeting at the annual regional meeting; and (3) assist with the regional grant program. The MESRE Regional Chair-elect may be assigned responsibilities, tasks, or leadership at the discretion of the MESRE Chair or this person’s Regional MESRE Chair and/or Regional GEA Steering Committee Chair.
Section 1. Standing committees of MESRE will consist of a Steering Committee, a Professional Development Committee, a Communications Committee, the RIME Program Planning Committee, the MERC Steering Committee, the Nominating Committee, the GEA National Grant Committee, and the Mentorship Program Committee. Additional ad hoc committees may be formed based on need. The Chair of each committee will sit on the MESRE Steering Committee as voting members.
Section 2. MESRE Steering Committee
The MESRE Steering Committee advises the Chair on matters related to MESRE. It has the authority to transact business, to appoint ad hoc committees, to establish procedures within the provision of the bylaws, and to initiate scholarly projects aligned with MESRE’s mission. In addition, it solicits commitments from members to participate in MESRE-related activities and committees.
Section 3. A member of the MESRE Steering Committee must be an active member of the GEA at the time of appointment. MESRE Steering Committee positions include the following:
(a) Chair (presiding)
(b) Chair-Elect/Past Chair
(c) A MESRE regional Chair representative from each regional GEA group: CGEA, NEGEA, SGEA, and WGEA.
(d) Chairs of the following three MESRE committees: Professional Development Committee, Communications Committee, and the Nominating Committee.
(e) Chairs of the RIME Program Planning Committee, MERC Steering Committee, the GEA National Grant Committee, and the Mentorship Program Committee have a professional organizational home within MESRE.
(f) AAMC ex-officio members.
Section 4. Terms of Office
(a) The position of Chair is a two-year term. The positions of Chair-Elect and Past Chair are each one-year terms. Thus, the Chair-Elect will ultimately serve a total of four years (i.e., one year as Chair-Elect, two years as Chair, and one year as Past Chair). The Chair may not serve more than one term unless the Chair Elect cannot advance to Chair for unanticipated reasons.
(b) MESRE Regional Chairs’ terms are determined by the region and may include serving as chair-elect and/or past chair. Terms as Regional MESRE Chair shall be one to two years (excluding terms as Regional Chair-Elect or Past Chair), and those terms should be staggered across the four regions. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms in the same position. Chairs-Elect and Past Chairs may attend the MESRE Steering Committee meetings but are not voting members.
(c) The Chair of the RIME Program Planning Committee shall serve two to three years as a Program Planning Committee member, one-year term as Chair, followed by a one-year term as Past Chair, ultimately serving a total of four to five years.
(d) The Chair of the MERC Steering Committee shall serve three years, including one year as past chair. This chair can serve no more than one term unless necessitated by unanticipated challenges filling the role and approved by the MESRE Steering Committee. This chair shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.
(e) The Chair of the GEA National Grant Committee shall serve three years, including one year as past chair. This chair can serve no more than one term unless necessitated by unanticipated challenges filling the role and approved by the MESRE Steering Committee. This chair shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.
(f) The Chair of the Mentorship Program Committee shall serve three years, including one year as past chair. This chair can serve no more than one term unless necessitated by unanticipated challenges filling the role and approved by the MESRE Steering Committee. This chair shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.
(g) Chairs of the MESRE committees (Professional Development Committee, Communications Committee, and the Nominating Committee) shall serve a term of three years, including one year as past chair. These chairs can serve no more than one term unless necessitated by the failure to receive adequate nominations for the role or other unexpected challenges filling the role and approved by the MESRE Steering Committee.
(e) The terms of office for the Chair Elect, Chair, and Past Chair shall start at the conclusion of the AAMC’s national meeting; they shall end at the conclusion of the AAMC’s national meeting 1-4 years later, depending upon the length of the term of office. Terms of office for Regional Representatives begin at the conclusion of GEA regional meetings. Terms for other roles on the MESRE Steering Committee occur at variable times, staggered to avoid a large degree of Committee turnover at one time and to promote Committee continuity.
Section 5. MESRE Steering Committee Meetings
MESRE Steering Committee meetings by conference call will be planned monthly. Members will meet in-person twice a year at the AAMC’s national meeting and summer MESRE business meeting. Chairs of specific MESRE committees (MESRE Steering Committee, Communications Committee, Nominating Committee, and Professional Development Committee) are expected to attend in-person meetings and at least 75% of the conference call meetings or to provide a representative in any year, beginning with election or appointment to the MESRE Steering Committee. Members are to notify the Chair if unable to attend a meeting. Chairs of the RIME Program Planning Committee, MERC Steering Committee, GEA National Grant Committee and Mentorship Program Committee are highly encouraged to attend monthly MESRE Steering Committee conference call meetings and in-person annual planning meetings at the AAMC’s headquarters.
Section 6. Professional Development Committee
(a) The Professional Development Committee (PDC) serves to facilitate the continued learning of all GEA members about issues related to scholarship, research, and evaluation in medical education. The PDC develops and disseminates workshops and materials on MESRE-related topics for the annual regional meetings and the AAMC annual meeting. The PDC maintains an annotated bibliography of journals that publish educational scholarship and other duties as assigned.
(b) Membership of the MESRE PDC will include a minimum of five persons: a Chair and one representative from each of the GEA regions. The PDC Chair may invite others to participate at his/her discretion. Each member will serve a two-year term, and terms will be staggered. Members of the PDC will be proposed by the relevant Regional Steering Committee(s) and approved by the MESRE Regional Representative and the MESRE Chair in consultation with the PDC Chair.
(c) Nominations for the PDC Chair resulting from a national call, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s professional development record, are presented as a slate by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The Chair is selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented. The PDC chair will serve a term of 3 years, including one year as past chair, and will serve on the MESRE Steering Committee. Criteria for appointment of Chair include: (1) evidence of organizing and implementing professional development activities for medical educators; (2) ability to follow through on commitments; and (3) ability to work well with others in collaborative efforts. Major responsibilities of the PDC Chair include: (1) oversee and compile of changes to the annotated bibliography of journals for educational scholarship; (2) initiate new programs designed to support medical education scholars and researchers as identified by the MESRE Steering Committee; (3) contribute to scholarly presentations and publications in collaboration with the MESRE Steering Committee; and (4) other duties as assigned by the MESRE Chair. (d) Major responsibilities of the PDC Chair include: (1) recruit members from each GEA region to serve on the Professional Development Committee; (2) schedule and facilitate meetings (at least quarterly) with the Communications Committee; (3) monitor the implementation of the responsibilities assigned to the Professional Development Committee; (4) and participate in MESRE monthly calls and face-to-face meeting during the annual AAMC National Meeting.
Section 7. Communications Committee
(a) The Communications Committee (CC) serves to improve outreach to members and stakeholders of MESRE. The Communications Committee’s main responsibilities include: (1) regularly update the MESRE website in conjunction with AAMC staff; (2) identify and/or develop appropriate content for the MESRE website; (3) effectively brand MESRE-related activities by developing and maintaining a MESRE logo; (4) utilize social media for outreach and communication of MESRE-related activities; and (5) ensure the production and timely distribution of member communications through social media, regional and national listservs, and at regional and national meetings.
(b) Membership of the CC will include a minimum of five persons: a Chair and one representative from each of the GEA regions. The CC Chair may invite others to participate as his/her discretion. Each member will serve a two-year term, and terms will be staggered. Members of the CC will be proposed by the relevant Regional Steering Committee(s) and approved by the MESRE Regional Representative and the MESRE Chair in consultation with the CC Chair.
(c) Nominations for the CC Chair resulting from a national call, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s professional development record, are presented as a slate by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The Chair is selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented. The CC Chair shall serve a term of three years, including one year as past chair, and will serve on the MESRE Steering Committee. Criteria for appointment of Communications Committee Chair include: (1) written communication skills; (2) track record in medical education research/scholarship; (3) previous participation in RIME or MESRE activities; (4) active involvement in professional organizations; and (5) familiarity with the use of social media and digital asset development.
(d) Major responsibilities of the Communications Committee Chair include: (1) recruit members from each GEA region to serve on the Communications Committee; (2) schedule and facilitate meetings (at least quarterly) with the Communications Committee; (3) monitor the implementation of the responsibilities assigned to the Communications Committee; (4) and participate in MESRE monthly calls and face-to-face meeting during the AAMC’s national meeting.
Section 8. RIME Program Planning Committee
(a) The RIME Program Planning Committee (RIME PPC) serves to plan, implement, and evaluate the RIME component of the AAMC’s national meeting. The RIME PPC members, with the guidance and support of the AAMC, have several responsibilities, including: (1) plan the structure of the RIME component of the AAMC’s national meeting; (2) coordinate the RIME call for submissions with the AAMC’s Annual Meeting Planning Committee; (3) issue the RIME call for research and review papers; (4) review submissions for research and review papers; (5) collate external reviews of research and review papers, review those manuscripts, and select the best papers for presentation at the AAMC’s national meeting; (6) provide constructive feedback to authors who responded to the RIME call for submissions; (7) contribute to an article authored by the RIME PPC that synthesizes papers selected by the committee (Note: This writing opportunity is typically reserved for members completing their first year on the RIME PPC); (8) identify areas of research methods and skills that would benefit the broader community of educators; (9) communicate and align efforts to advance educational research/scholarship with the MESRE Steering Committee and/or GEA Steering Committee; (10) plan the RIME plenary session; (11) attend the AAMC’s national meeting while serving on the RIME PPC; and (12) travel to the AAMC offices in Washington, DC for a spring work session (to select the best papers). Members should anticipate an annual commitment of 60 to 80 total hours in order to complete RIME PPC work (estimate includes phone meetings, paper reviews and editing, and attendance at the spring work session).
(b) Membership of the RIME PPC consists of a minimum of ten persons: A Chair, a Past Chair, four clinician researchers (with MD/DO degrees, for example), and four non-physicians with terminal degrees in education and/or social science. Each member will serve a three-year term, with terms being staggered at one-year intervals. The Chair will serve an extra year (fourth year), following completion of an initial three-year commitment on the RIME PPC, as well as a fifth year as Past Chair. Newly elected RIME PPC members begin their three-year term at the end of the AAMC’s national meeting.
(c) RIME PPC members are self-nominated or nominated by their peers and elected through a national process in which all members of the MESRE Section are able to vote. Each year the Nominating Committee prepares a ballot that consists of a clinician candidate (with a MD/DO degree, for example) and a candidate with a PhD/EdD degree, along with documented qualifications including publications and citations of publications. Criteria for appointment of RIME PPC includes: (1) demonstrated research/scholarly productivity and peer-reviewed publications in medical and health professions education; (2) participation in previous RIME programs as a reviewer and/or presenter; (3) additional experience reviewing/editing research manuscripts for medical education journals; (4) demonstrated responsibility, fair-mindedness, willingness to serve, and work ethic; (5) current position as staff or faculty in good standing at an accredited medical school, health sciences faculty, residency program or medical education-related organization such as the NBME, ACOG, ABIM; (6) willingness to serve for the full three-year term; and (7) no experience serving on the RIME PPC in the past. Additionally, the Nomination Committee may consider specific areas of expertise in the identification of candidates. Regional MESRE representatives are eligible for nomination to a position on the RIME PPC.
(d) The RIME PPC Chair is selected by the RIME PPC from among its members who are completing their third year on the RIME PPC, with input from AAMC staff.
(e) Major responsibilities of the RIME PPC Chair include: (1) work with AAMC staff to plan and facilitate the RIME PPC spring work /meeting and monthly calls; (2) review papers and write decision letters as needed (e.g., to adjudicate mixed reviews or assist with difficult decisions from the RIME PPC members); (3) write a preface to the RIME supplement, usually in collaboration with the RIME PPC Past-chair and RIME PPC incoming chair; (4) communicate with Academic Medicine editorial team about the RIME supplement (e.g., let them know about selected papers, plans for commentaries, etc.); (5) work with AAMC staff to organize and coordinate the RIME Plenary; (6) attend the AAMC’s national meeting while serving on the RIME PPC; and (7) participate in MESRE monthly calls; and (8) attend the MESRE face-to-face meeting during the annual AAMC’s national meeting.
(f) The RIME PPC Past-Chair serves an advisory capacity to the current Chair and other members of the RIME PPC. The Past Chair convenes and presides over ad hoc committees as requested by the Chair. As requested, the Chair-Elect may head other initiatives or projects deemed important by the RIME PPC. The Past Chair serves a one-year term.
Section 9. Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Program and Steering Committee
(a) The MERC Program is intended to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the purposes and processes of medical education research/scholarship, to become informed consumers of the medical education literature, and to be effective collaborators in medical education research/scholarship.
(b) The MERC Program is managed and supported by the AAMC.
(c) The MERC Steering Committee is comprised of five members: the MERC Steering Committee Chair, the Past MERC Chair, two MERC facilitators, two Members at Large, and AAMC affiliated staff.
(d) MERC SC members are self-nominated or nominated by their peers through a national process. Each year the Nominating Committee will release a call for members of the MERC SC, including, as needed, MERC facilitators or Members at Large. Criteria for appointment to the MERC SC may include: (1) demonstrated research expertise in medical and health professions education; (2) participation in prior MERC workshops or as a facilitator; (3) experience in faculty development for medical or health professions education; (4) willingness to serve for the full two-year term. Additionally, the Nomination Committee may consider specific areas of expertise in the identification of candidates as directed by the MERC Steering Committee Chair (e.g., instructional technology). Nominations for MERC SC membership, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s relevant professional record, are presented as a slate by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The members are selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented. Steering committee members are appointed for two-year terms with staggered start dates, with the possibility for reappointment for one additional term. Terms may be longer if one takes on the role of Chair.
(e) The MERC Steering Committee chooses from its Steering Committee Membership to appoint a Chair who shall serve a term of three years (2 years as Chair, 1 year as Past-Chair). Eligibility for the MERC Steering Committee Chair requires prior service on the MERC Steering Committee, but not necessarily as a MERC facilitator.
(e) Major responsibilities of the MERC Chair include: (1) collaborating with AAMC staff in the oversight of the MERC program; (2) preparing the agenda for and chairing monthly phone meeting and semi-annual in-person MERC Steering Committee meetings; (3) moving MERC Steering Committee projects forward (e.g., evaluation of the MERC program, updating and reviewing content); (4) providing feedback to MERC facilitators; and (5) answering emails and phone calls with inquiries about MERC.
(f) The MERC Chair participates as a member of the MESRE Steering Committee and provides updates on MERC activities to the MESRE Steering Committee.
Section 10. Nominating Committee
(a) The Nominating Committee serves to nominate candidates for MESRE Section Chair-Elect and the Chairs of its Professional Development and Communications Committees, as well as the membership for the RIME Program Planning Committee, the GEA National Grant program Committee, and the MERC Steering Committee and other MESRE subcommittees and functions as required. The Nominating Committee solicits nominations for these positions through national and regional calls. It also issues direct invitations for nominations or self-nominations for elected positions at the GEA regional annual meetings and via the GEA listservs. From the names submitted, the Nominating Committee Chair develops a list of potential nominees along with their qualifications and distributes the list to Nominating Committee members who then evaluate and select nominees for a slate that is presented to the MESRE Steering Committee.
(b) Membership of the Nominating Committee will include a minimum of seven persons: a Chair, four regional MESRE section chairs from each regional GEA group (CGEA, NEGEA, SGEA, and WGEA), and four members-at-large from the MESRE section. Each at-large member will be solicited through a national call, selected from a slate by the MESRE Steering Committee, and serve a two-year term. Terms will be staggered.
(c) The Chair of the MESRE Steering Committee will oversee recruitment and selection of the Nominating Committee Chair. Nominations for the Nominating Committee Chair resulting from a national call, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s relevant professional record, are presented as a slate by the MESRE SC Chair to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The Nominating Committee Chair is selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented. The Nominating Committee Chair shall serve a term of three years, including one year as past chair, and will serve on the MESRE Steering Committee.
(d) Major responsibilities of the Nominations Committee Chair include: (1) interface with AAMC staff to post requests for nominations and self-nominations for elected and vacant positions to listservs; (2) develop a list of potential nominees along with their qualifications for the Nominating Committee’s review and selection according to position descriptions and criteria stated in MESRE bylaws; (3) organize an annual meeting of the Nominating Committee to select nominees for a slate that is presented to the MESRE Steering Committee for approval; and (4) participate in MESRE monthly calls, annual planning meeting at the AAMC’s headquarters, and face-to-face meeting during the AAMC’s national meeting.
Section 10. GEA National Grant Committee
(a) The GEA National Grant Committee serves to oversee the selection of proposals for the national GEA grant initiative, which is renewed annually based on funding from the AAMC.
(b) Membership of the GEA National Grant Committee includes a Chair and team leaders representing each of the GEA regions. The GEA National Grant Committee Chair may invite others to participate at his/her discretion.
(c) Major responsibilities of the GEA National Grant Committee Chair include: (1) confirm continuation of grant funding with AAMC; (2) recruit 5-7 team leaders to facilitate review process; (3) organize conference calls to manage grant review process with team leaders; (4) verify completeness of pre-proposals and supporting documentation; (5) create master packet of pre-proposals and distribute to team leaders; (6) keep review teams on a tight timeline; (7) communicate final outcome awards to submitters; (8) communicate funds to AAMC for grant award distribution; (9) summarize grant review process and outcomes in report to MESRE Chair; (10) track status of funded grant projects to monitor completion; and (11) report grant-related outcomes or challenges to MESRE Chair.
(d) Major responsibilities of team leaders include: (1) participate in conference calls (before process, after pre-proposal review, after full grant reviews); (2) recruit reviewers for their assigned allotment of pre-proposals; (3) ensure all proposals are reviewed by three reviewers; (4) summarize reviewer feedback from assigned set of pre-proposals; (5) suggest pre-proposals that should move forward for full grant development; and (6) organize second round of reviews (each team assigned one full proposal for detailed review).
(e) GEA National Grant Program SC members are self-nominated or nominated by their peers through a national process. Each year the Nominating Committee will release a call for team leaders of the GEA National Grant Program SC. Criteria for appointment to the GEA National Grant Program SC may include: (1) demonstrated research expertise in medical and health professions education; (2) experience as a reviewer or editor for scientific journals or grants programs; (3) a network from which to recruit reviewers for medical or health professions grants; (4) exceptional organizational skills; and (5) willingness to serve for the full two-year term. Additionally, the Nominating Committee may consider specific areas of expertise in the identification of candidates as directed by the GEA Steering Committee Chair (e.g., regional representation; types of research expertise). Nominations for the GEA Grant Program SC membership, including supporting documentation of the nominee’s relevant professional record, are presented as a slate by the Chair of the Nominating Committee to the MESRE Steering Committee for a vote of acceptance or rejection. The members are selected, by the MESRE Steering Committee, from nominees presented. Steering committee members are appointed for two-year terms with staggered start dates, with the possibility for reappointment for one additional term. Terms may be longer if one takes on the role of Chair.
(f) The GEA National Grant Program Steering Committee chooses from its Steering Committee membership to appoint a Chair who shall serve a term of three years (2 years as Chair, 1 year as Past-Chair). Eligibility for the GEA Grant Program Steering Committee Chair requires prior service as a team leader on the GEA Grant Program Steering Committee
(g)The GEA National Grant Committee Chair will be invited to attend MESRE Steering Committee meetings to provide updates about the GEA National Grant.
Section 11. Mentorship Program Committee
(a) The Mentorship Program Committee is intended to offer selected mentees experience in medical education research, focusing on review processes. The Committee oversees the mentorship program, including selection of mentees and assignment of mentors.
(b) The Program Chair participates as a member of the MESRE Steering Committee and provides updates on the Mentorship Program activities to the MESRE Steering Committee.
Section 1. Task forces may be formed to address focused and time-limited issues pertinent to MESRE. The task force chair and other members will be appointed by the MESRE Chair. When a task force is so created, the MESRE Chair will provide a written charge and a time frame for completing this charge.
Section 2. MESRE may initiate special projects related to scholarship, research, and evaluation in medical education that serve the membership. The MESRE Chair may appoint project chairs and working groups as needed. Projects will have a scope of response to guide the efforts of the group with ultimate determination of project outputs and timeframe for completion left to the discretion of the project chair and working group.
Section 1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used when considering motions. Otherwise standing rules will allow the MESRE Chair to maintain order and conduct business in a reasonable manner.
Section 1. Any member of MESRE may suggest an amendment to these bylaws. Any suggestion must be submitted in writing for discussion by the MESRE Steering Committee at least 30 days before meetings. A two-thirds majority vote of the MESRE Steering Committee must be attained to amend the bylaws.
Section 1. These bylaws will be adopted if approved by the MESRE Steering Committee by a two-thirds majority vote.
Updated and Approved by MESRE Steering Committee: May 18, 2023