AAHCI Announces Transition of Southeast Asia Regional Office
July 1, 2023: AAHCI announced the transition of the Southeast Asia (SEA) Regional Office from the Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine (FKUI) in Indonesia to the Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya in Malaysia. Read the announcement (PDF).
AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Meeting
Jan. 11-12, 2023: The Southeast Asia (SEA) Regional Meeting on “Partnerships for Preparedness: Improving Response and Recovery in the Southeast Asia Region and Globally” was a successful two-day meeting in Bali, Indonesia, hosted by the 2023 AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Office host, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine. Session topics included infectious disease, urban health, artificial intelligence, residency programs, medical education, leadership training, and more. More than 80 leaders gathered from Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. Various news outlets in Indonesia covered different points of the SEA Regional Meeting and highlighted key takeaways from the discussions.
April 22, 2022: Access the recording "Understanding COVID-19 Vaccines.”
Featured Speakers:
Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis, MKed (Ped), SpA, PhD
Vice Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara (Indonesia)
Wang Ji, PhD
Professor of Immunology and Vaccine Research
The Institute of Precision Medicine
The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University (China)
Rima Moghnieh, MD, FRCP
Professor of Clinical Medicine, Beirut Arab University
Division Head of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Makassed General Hospital
Member of the COVID-19 Task Force, Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (Lebanon)
Hari Hendarto, PhD
Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (Indonesia)
Louisa Sun, MBBS
Consultant, Infectious Diseases Head, Infection Prevention and Control and Epidemiology Unit, Alexandra Hospital
National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (Singapore)
On April 14, 2022, the AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Office host, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, hosted a webinar, “Understanding COVID-19 Vaccines.” The webinar aimed to share new insights and expand dialogues around COVID-19 vaccines and future collaborations. Four experts shared their experiences and contributions during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the use of a third-dose vaccination.
AAHCI SEA Regional Ambassador Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH, MMB, dean of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, opened the webinar. This introduction was followed by opening remarks from Louisa Sun, MBBS, head of the Infection Prevention and Control and Epidemiology Unit at Alexandra Hospital in Singapore as the webinar moderator.
Inke Nadia Diniyanti Lubis, PhD, vice dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, discussed her group’s research evaluating North Sumatera Province’s readiness to transition from pandemic to endemic. Wang Ji, PhD, professor in immunology and vaccine research at The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, presented his team’s research in investigating B-cell and T-cell responses to a booster dose of inactivated vaccines. Rima Moghnieh, MD, FRCP, professor of clinical medicine and head of the Division of Infectious Diseases, Beirut Arab University and Makassed General Hospitals, discussed the safety and efficacy of heterologous vaccinations compared to homologous vaccinations. Hari Handarto, PhD, dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UIN Jakarta, shared his faculty’s experience and contribution to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta.
The panelist presentations were followed by discussion and a Q&A with the audience. The panelists shared their thoughts on breakthroughs in vaccine development, the possibilities of a fourth booster injection, and the role of academic health centers in improving public communication to encourage vaccinations.
Panelists agreed that a booster dose is beneficial in maintaining immune response and that combining different types of vaccines is safe. Governments, health care systems, academic institutions, and the general population should remain vigilant when facing potential future COVID-19 waves. Strict health measures and vaccinations are key to controlling viral transmission.
AAHCI SEA Regional Office Newsletter on Mental Health
Feb. 1, 2022: This edition of the AAHCI SEA Regional Office newsletter shares how academic health centers in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore are managing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health.
Surviving and Thriving: Innovating Through the Pandemic and Beyond
AAHC CONNECT — A Premier Virtual Experience
Nov. 18-19, 2021: AAHCI Member and Southeast Regional Office host, Universitas Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine, co-hosted a regional meeting with AAHCI under the theme of Surviving and Thriving: Innovating Through the Pandemic and Beyond. The meeting brought together members in the region to share their perspectives and experiences during a critical time. If you are interested in accessing the recordings and presentations, please contact aahci@aamc.org.
AAHCI SEA Regional Office Webinar
The Academic Health System Concept
Feb. 22, 2021: The AAHCI Southeast Asia Regional Office hosted an international webinar with the theme of The Academic Health System Concept on Feb. 22, 2021. The webinar provided an overview of Indonesia’s academic health system and provided a platform for discussion regarding efforts to strengthen collaboration within the system by looking at the examples of how academic health centers are governed in Indonesia, Singapore, and other countries. Additional speakers provided insights based on their unique experiences. Five Indonesian universities shared their experience in managing the newly implemented academic health system in Indonesia, and more than 350 attendees attended the webinar. The recording can be accessed here.