A group of four senators Nov. 19 introduced legislation to reauthorize the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and its associated funding mechanism for 10 years.
The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Reauthorization Act (S. 2897), authored by Senators Mark Warner (D-Va.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), and Shelley Moore Capito (D-W.Va.), would renew PCORI’s trust fund through fiscal year (FY) 2029, while also making other changes to the original authorization.
Among other changes, the bill would add to PCORI’s Board of Governors four new seats for individuals representing private payers; establish an expert panel to advise PCORI on research priorities related to disease, conditions, and interventions that have a high-impact on national health spending; direct PCORI to design research that collects data on potential burdens and economic impact of various treatments and services; and ensure patient coverage for PCORI-funded clinical trials.
The two House committees with jurisdiction over PCORI approved legislation to reauthorize the institute earlier this year. The House Ways and Means Committee June 26 advanced the Protecting Access to Information for Effective and Necessary Treatment (PATIENT) Act of 2019 (H.R. 3439), which would continue PCORI’s funding and authorization for seven years and direct the institute to enhance its focus on research related to substance use disorders, mental health, and maternal morbidity and mortality [see Washington Highlights, June 28]. The House Energy and Commerce Committee included a three-year reauthorization of PCORI in a package (H.R. 2328) the committee approved July 17 [see Washington Highlights, July 19].
The AAMC is among nearly 200 organizations representing patient and family caregiver organizations, health provider associations, biopharma/life sciences companies, payers, and others, calling on Congress to support a long-term reauthorization of PCORI.
PCORI’s original 10-year authorization was set to expire Sept. 30, but has been extended through Dec. 20 (see related story ), while Congress finalizes negotiations on a full reauthorization and other health-related legislation.