In a Jan. 28 hearing, “Protecting Veteran Choice: Examining VA’s Community Care Program,” the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee heard from individual veterans, family members, and veterans service organizations regarding the health care services provided through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) community care program. AAMC-member academic health systems and teaching hospitals provide care to veterans through the program.
Committee Chair Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) noted in his opening remarks that seven years after the VA MISSION Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-182) was signed into law, “it is still not fully living up to its promise.” Moran highlighted that he has heard from veterans nationwide who have suffered as a result and that “VA acted to discourage and restrict the use of the community care [program] under the MISSION Act,” with some of the veterans who have suffered the most being those with mental health conditions and addiction. He said that he, along with his counterpart Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), chair of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, have introduced legislation (S.275/H.R. 740) to improve care provided under the community care program.
Witness testimony included accounts of inconsistent implementation of the MISSION Act; poor communication and inconsistent practices leading to delays in care; the need to codify access standards for the community care program; delays in scheduling community care appointments once a referral has been made; and ensuring quality standards for community care providers align with existing standards at the VA. Committee Ranking Member Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) noted bipartisanship is needed to “speed, streamline and safeguard access to community care referrals,” stating that he believes strongly that the private sector health care system and the VA are complementary and “one route to care should never come at the expense of another.” Additionally, Blumenthal highlighted the actions of the Trump administration to freeze federal funding and the impacts to VA health care.
The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a similar hearing on community care on Jan. 22 [refer to Washington Highlights, Jan. 24].