The Government Accountability Office (GAO) June 2 announced the appointment of five new members to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), as well as the reappointment of one current member.
The newly appointed members are:
Amy Bricker, R.Ph., vice president, Supply Chain Strategy, Express Scripts;
Brian DeBusk, Ph.D., chief executive officer, DeRoyal Industries;
Paul Ginsburg, Ph.D., Leonard Schaeffer chair in health policy studies, Brookings Institution and professor of health policy, University of Southern California;
Bruce Pyenson, FSA, MAAA, principal and consulting actuary, Millman, Inc; and
Pat Wang, J.D., chief executive officer, Healthfirst.
Jon Christianson, Ph.D., professor of health policy and management, University of Minnesota School of Public Health, was reappointed and will continue to serve as Vice Chair of the commission.
MedPAC is an independent congressional agency established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (P.L. 105-33) to advise the U.S. Congress on issues affecting the Medicare program. In addition to advising the Congress on payments to private health plans participating in Medicare and providers in Medicare's traditional fee-for-service program, MedPAC is also tasked with analyzing access to care, quality of care, and other issues affecting Medicare.