The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is holding public listening sessions to gather feedback on whether to allow telemedicine prescribing of certain controlled substances without in-person medical evaluations and how to prevent their diversion on Sept. 12-13 at the DEA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. There is also a remote option for participation. Registration is required and ends on Aug. 21 for in-person attendance, space permitting. The agency is accepting requests via the registration form for in-person and virtual presentations during the public meeting.
This event will cover the following topics:
- Assessing the appropriateness of allowing telemedicine prescriptions for specific controlled substances without requiring an in-person medical assessment.
- Evaluating the data, including existing and potential reporting mechanisms, that could aid in identifying the diversion of controlled substances through telemedicine.
- Identifying additional targeted measures to enhance the safety of prescribing schedule II controlled substances through telemedicine.
The AAMC previously submitted comments on Mar. 31, to the DEA in response to two proposed rules regarding prescribing controlled substances by telemedicine, Expansion of Buprenorphine via Telemedicine Encounter” and “Telemedicine Prescribing of Controlled Substances When the Practitioner and Patient Have Not Had a Prior In-Person Medical Evaluation.” On May 3, the DEA announced a temporary extension of COVID-19 telemedicine flexibilities for prescribing controlled substances. This announcement and the pending listening session come after the DEA received 38,000 comments, including comments from the AAMC, in response to the proposed rules.