More than 100 congressional staff and other attendees participated in a June 25 briefing focused on, “Improving Health Care: An Introduction to Interprofessional Education.”
Coordinated by the Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP), the briefing featured Jay Perman, M.D., president of the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), who described the role of interprofessional education (IPE) in advancing team-based care. Dr. Perman, who established the Center for Interprofessional Education at UMB, teaches team-based care to students of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, law, and social work.
Linda McCauley, Ph.D., R.N., dean of Emory University’s Woodruff School of Nursing, highlighted the importance of federal investments in IPE, including funding through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)’s Title VII health professions and Title VIII nursing workforce development programs. Both Dr. Perman and Dr. McCauley emphasized the value of pilot projects to identify the most successful strategies to promote and evaluate IPE efforts.
A third speaker, Sierra Dickman Cuppett, described her perspective on IPE as a physician assistant student at Shenandoah University.
As a member of FASHP, the AAMC was among the sponsoring organizations for the event.