The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) Feb. 16 released a physician core measure set, which is intended to reduce provider burden while giving consumers and insurers more streamlined and meaningful data. CMS and health plans many times require the reporting of multiple measures that assess the same process or condition, resulting in unnecessary burden and less time with patients.
The initiative was led by the Core Quality Measures Collaborative, which in addition to CMS and insurers, includes physicians, employers, and patient groups. The collaborative announced seven core measure sets focused on: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), and Primary Care; Cardiology; Gastroenterology; HIV and Hepatitis C; Medical Oncology; Obstetrics and Gynecology; and Orthopedics.
CMS is currently using measures from each of the core sets in its reporting and performance programs. The agency also plans to implement additional core sets, while continuing to reduce the number of overall measures moving forward.