A Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) of experts Sept. 7 released a detailed report of 10 scientific approaches for the Cancer Moonshot, Vice President Joe Biden’s initiative to accelerate cancer research and treatment. The report was presented at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) at a meeting of the presidentially-appointed National Cancer Advisory Board, and accepted by NIH National Cancer Institute Acting Director Doug Lowy, M.D.
The report is the result of deliberation by seven working groups under the BRP comprising over 150 scientists, clinicians, patient advocates, and industry representatives. Among the central action items identified in the report are the creation of a national network of patient biological and clinical data, the development of technology and preclinical models, and the expansion of prevention and early detection strategies. In addition to research recommendations, the report proposes three special demonstration projects to gain further insight in pediatric cancers and other areas.
The Cancer Moonshot Task Force, an interagency group chaired by Vice President Biden, will release a report later this fall to include policy issues for the Moonshot, including federal funding models, coverage and reimbursement, and clinical trial data sharing.