The AAMC, along with over 150 other organizations, supported a June 2 White House Forum on Antibiotic Stewardship that brought together key human and animal health stakeholders involved in antibiotic stewardship to focus on the development, promotion, and implementation of activities to ensure the responsible use of antibiotics. The event highlighted commitments to implement changes over the next five years to slow the emergence of resistant bacteria and prevent the spread of resistant infections.
The White House initiated this work in September 2014 when it released the National Strategy on Combating Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. Additionally, the administration has taken a number of steps to combat antibiotic resistance including: signing an executive order to prioritize federal efforts, issuing reports regarding national strategies, recommendations, and a comprehensive action plan.
The AAMC is committed to ensuring that the nation’s teaching hospitals, medical schools, and future doctors have the necessary information and resources to effectively utilize and manage antibiotic treatment. To support this objective, the AAMC expects to facilitate discussions on this topic at professional meetings and will encourage institutions with innovative antibiotic resistant programs to apply for AAMC Innovation Challenge grants in 2015.