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  • Washington Highlights

    AAMC Joins Letter Urging Congress to Provide COBRA Funding


    Jason Kleinman, Senior Legislative Analyst, Govt. Relations

    The AAMC joined nearly 90 other organizations in a Feb. 10 letter urging congressional leaders to include funding for temporary COBRA continuation coverage in the next COVID-19 relief package. This funding would help those who have lost their jobs or have been furloughed to keep their employment-based health insurance coverage.

    The letter stated, “Supporting continuation coverage is a bipartisan idea that has been embraced by members on both sides of the aisle. We all want to get America’s economy thriving and back to work and school. Until we are safe from the public health and economic threats of COVID-19, it’s time to give Americans the peace of mind that comes with maintaining affordable health insurance.”

    The House Education and Labor and Ways and Means committees included a provision in their COVID-19 packages to subsidize COBRA coverage through the end of September [see related story].

    The AAMC joined a similar letter in August [see Washington Highlights, Aug. 7, 2020]