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    AAMC GREAT & GWIMS Joint Webinar Series

    The Group on Research Education and Training (GREAT) and the Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) are hosting a series of webinars to address some of the critical topics at the intersection of gender equity and biomedical research training.

    Beyond Climate Surveys Achieving Inclusion Excellence in Research and Clinical Settings

    DE&I leaders have been called to move their institutions beyond compositional diversity and towards inclusion excellence. To assist with these efforts, the AAMC developed the tool FPIE (Foundational Principles of Inclusion Excellence) that stakeholders can use to assess their institutions’ work and learning environments based on 9 principles of inclusion. Presenters shared the experiences of institutions that piloted the tool (i.e., launching strategies, implementation, and action plan execution) and invited attendees to discuss how they may employ the FPIE at their institutions in research and clinical spaces.

    Download the presentation slides (PDF)

    After this webinar you will be able to:

    • Gain and/or increase awareness of the FPIE toolkit to assess and enhance inclusive excellence in the biomedical community.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of potential opportunities and challenges in launching and implementing action plans to assess inclusive excellence across mission areas.
    • Reflect and identify opportunities and challenges they may encounter when utilizing FPIE to achieve inclusive excellence in their institution's research and clinical environments.


    Toi B. Harris, MD, Associate Provost of Institutional Diversity, Inclusion and Equity & Student and Trainee Services, Baylor College of Medicine

    Antonio Bush, PhD, Director of Research, Diversity & Inclusion, Association of American Medical Colleges

    Katherine B. Greenberg, MD, Vice Chair, Diversity and Culture Development, UR Medicine Golisano Children’s Hospital, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    Carolyn Smith, PhD, Dean, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine

    Paul Klotman, MD, FACP, President and CEO, Baylor College of Medicine

    Creating Safe and Inclusive Environments for Faculty and Students in the Biomedical Setting

    Download resources (PDF)

    With the presence of #MeToo, Time’s Up Healthcare, and diversity and inclusion efforts broadly at member institutions, leaders in academic medicine are increasingly aware of the need to create safe and inclusive environments. Recent studies have highlighted the prevalence and profound impact of sexual and gender harassment. Institutional leaders are looking for best practices to create safe environments that go beyond simply legal compliance. This webinar explored the more nuanced aspects of creating safe and inclusive environments including gender harassment, understanding the prevalence and impact of intimate partner violence (IPV), and strategies to promote inclusion in the scientific environment.

    After this webinar you will be able to:

    • Identify experiences and behaviors related to gender harassment, microaggressions and intimate partner violence through data from AAMC, NASEM and the ACS Intimate Partner Violence surveys.
    • Understand the nuanced ways, beyond legal compliance, institutions can create safe and inclusive environments for a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion.
    • Integrate gender harassment, IPV, and/or diversity and inclusion education into current programming or institutional culture and climate efforts such as leadership development


    Diana Lautenberger, MA, Director, Faculty and Staff Research, AAMC

    John P. Cullen, PhD, Director, Diversity and Inclusion, CTSI, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    Patricia Turner, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery, University of Chicago Division of the Biological Sciences The Pritzker School of Medicine

    Creating Successful Institutional Culture Change Initiatives at Academic Medical Centers

    This webinar will explore culture change initiatives in the context of a basic science setting. A panel of inclusion and diversity leaders at academic medical centers described and critiqued their own initiatives, and shared their initiative’s effects, successes and missed opportunities in three areas: engaging basic scientists v. clinicians, addressing power dynamics, and understanding intersectionality. 

    After this webinar you will be able to:

    • Describe culture change and inclusion initiatives at three institutions, with a focus on basic science communities.
    • Compare effects of culture change and inclusion initiatives on learners, faculty and staff that are clinically or non-clinically based.
    • Consider the effects of power dynamics in academic medicine and their relationship to inclusion efforts.

    Moderated by:

    Julie E. Tetzlaff, PhD, Associate Dean of Postdoctoral Affairs and Graduate Career Development, Associate Professor of Patho, Medical College of Wisconsin


    Elizabeth Ellinas, MD, Associate Dean of Women's Leadership, Medical College of Wisconsin

    John P. Cullen, PhD, Director, Diversity and Inclusion, CTSI, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

    Leon McDougle, MD, Associate Dean for Diversity & Inclusion; Chief Diversity Officer, The Ohio State University College of Medicine; The OSU Wexner Medical Center